Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 63


           The COVID-19  pandemic            but to contribute to the digital future of the   Future  program,  Huawei  Academies,  and
                                             region, is therefore a necessity – not only
                                                                                 internship  programs.  This  is  preparing
           has prompted governments          to increase employment opportunities, but   young  talent  for  the  career  landscape  of
           to accelerate  their  plans       to bridge the Middle East’s ICT talent gap.   the  not-so-distant  future,  in  which  the
           for  digitalization.  5G is a     Promoting  the  development  of  ICT  talent   demand for skilled IT and ICT professionals
                                             is a shared responsibility of the public and
                                                                                 will be critical in order to meet the needs of
           priority, as it will introduce    private  sectors.  It  will  ultimately  lead  to   expanding economies and major national
           a  new digital frontier  that     benefits for society as a whole as we enter   projects.
                                             a  new,  intelligent  digital  era.  Government
           will   enable     technology      authorities,      telecommunications   Huawei is committed  to
           to  transform  all  aspects       companies  and  ICT  vendors  should   encouraging and fostering
           of society,  across every         contribute   to   building   the   talent   ICT talent  in  the  Middle
                                             ecosystem  through  open  collaboration,
           industry.  With  this  comes      targeted  initiatives,  programs,  and  more.   East through  initiatives
           the creation of new jobs.         Universities  should  adapt  their  curricula   such  as the Huawei ICT
                                             to  meet  the  requirements  of  ICT  talent
                                             cultivation.                           Competition,  our  Seeds
        The  COVID-19  pandemic  has  prompted
        governments  to  accelerate  their  plans   Huawei is committed to encouraging and   for the Future program,
        for digitalization. 5G is a priority, as it will   fostering  ICT  talent  in  the  Middle  East   Huawei Academies, and
        introduce  a  new  digital  frontier  that  will   through  initiatives  such  as  the  Huawei   internship programs.
        enable technology to transform all aspects   ICT  Competition,  our  Seeds  for  the
        of society, across every industry. With this
        comes the creation of new jobs.         Promoting the development        We can see great work being done across
                                                of  ICT talent  is a shared      the region, led by the public sector, but there
        According  to  the  Arab  Youth  Survey                                  is still a considerable way to go in order to
        2020, 87% of young Arabs are concerned   responsibility of the public    empower a new generation of ICT experts.
        about unemployment, and the World Bank   and private sectors. It will    The  private  sector  has  as  much  of  stake
        estimates that the Middle East and North                                 in  the  development  of  the  ICT  sector  as
        Africa will need to create 300 million jobs   ultimately lead to benefits   governments  do,  and  therefore  providing
        by  2050  to  meet  the  employment  needs   for  society  as a whole  as   local  talent  with  the  necessary  tools  and
        of the region’s youth. Investing in training   we enter a new, intelligent   training  to  become  future  leaders  in  this
        local  talent  in  the  skills  that  will  enable                       field is as much in their best interests as it
        them to not only find gainful employment,   digital era.                 in everyone else’s.

                                                                                                    63  NOVEMBER 2020
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68