Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        developmental  goals.  One of  the key   previous step to support  the growth of   digital competencies,  support the local
        topics covered by  the MoU  focuses  on   innovation in Kuwait, Zain signed an MoU   startups ecosystem,  empower Kuwaiti
        empowering entrepreneurs and supporting   with Sabah Al Ahmad Center for Giftedness   inventors and innovators  to  excel, and
        local  startups.  Certified  trainers  and   and Creativity (SACGC), a KFAS center. The   more to serve the nation’s developmental,
        experts  from KFAS will  join in facilitating   agreement built a new strategic partnership   economic,  and social goals.  Through  its
        highly specialized sessions and workshops   that focused  on elevating the digital   journey that started over 46 years ago, the
        for entrepreneurs  under  Zain’s  award-  literacy of the youth, empowering creativity   Kuwait  Foundation  for the Advancement
        winning tech startup accelerator program,   and innovation, and enhancing  the local   of Sciences  seeks to  harness science,
        Zain Great Idea. This agreement  goes  in   startup ecosystem in the community. The   technology  and innovation in  Kuwait,  as
        line with Zain’s Innovation Nation initiative,   partnership  resulted  in many successful   well as to promote modernization, a better
        under  which all  of Zain’s  innovation and   programs and initiatives, most notably   quality of life, and a  sustainable future
        entrepreneurship programs fall, especially   a summer  bootcamp  that upskilled  over   for the Kuwaiti people. KFAS continues to
        within science,  technology, engineering,   800 children and young  people  through   achieve its mission through  many of its
        and mathematics (STEM)  areas.  The   130 courses and workshops that covered   centers,  including  the  Scientific  Center,
        initiative mainly targets the  youth,  and   the fundamentals of electronics, robotics,   Dasman Diabetes  Center, and Sabah  Al
        centers  around  a  number  of pillars,   3D   printers,   programming,   artificial   Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity
        including  entrepreneurship,  investment,   intelligence, and more. The MoU fostered   (SACGC).  Zain  has  had many  successful
        startup acceleration, supporting inventors,   a joint collaboration between the two   and fruitful partnerships with these centers.
        fostering  innovation, and more. In a   partners to elevate digital literacy, develop

                                             AT&T Forms Cybersecurity JV

        AT&T agreed  to create a  standalone   AT&T stated the JV will  comprise “select
        cybersecurity  services  business  with   security  software solutions,  associated
        a  capital  investment company,  as  the   managed security operations and security
        US-based operator looks  to  provide   consulting resources”. It expects to close
        embedded  protection  for SMEs.  The   the transaction in  Q1  2024.  AT&T  is  in
        operator teamed up with WillJam Ventures,   the process of building  more security
        which  AT&T stated has cybersecurity   capabilities into its core network and edge
        industry  and  leadership  experience.  locations. “These security services will be

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