Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        IoT Use Cases: Oil and Gas           and detect usage anomalies. Additionally,   systems,  improves  energy  efficiency,  and
        One of the major industries  that  could   the technology  allows  the e-scooter   reduces costs.
        benefit  from  IoT  is  oil  and  gas.  Large   industry to comply  with rapidly changing
        industrial enterprises widely apply it  to   governmental regulations, including speed   Trends in IoT Development
        optimize their technological and business   limits, restricted  areas, vehicle  caps,  and   Several trends  are anticipated  during  the
        operations. For example, IoT has been used   parking zones.              further IoT  development.  First,  security
        for smart metering to monitor real-time gas                              and surveillance will  be at  the  forefront
        transfer and consumption  levels.  It  helps   Furthermore, IoT technologies provide real-  of the IoT market.  Today, data privacy is
        control distributed and consumed gas   time monitoring  of food  and box delivery   one of the primary concerns in using IoT,
        parameters, including volume, temperature,   and enhance the quality of service. Couriers   and it is necessary to research the latest
        and pressure, online. Besides, IoT  helps   use electric scooters, and customers can   innovations  to  resolve  the problem and
        receive information about  the  location  of   see them on the map, track the delivery   use them promptly. Second, the industrial
        a gas meter, as well as establish limits for   process,  and leave feedback  for delivery   IoT market will  grow, as  more and more
        data and voice traffic. It also accounts for   improvement.              businesses  will  utilize IoT  to automate
        the  API integration  of SIM control inside                              manufacturing.  Additionally,  5G  and
        enterprise resource planning (ERP).  Ecological Benefits                 immersive technologies will boost market
                                             It is worth noting that IoT is also used to   opportunities and open  new possibilities
        Additionally, IoT-based smart helmets have   monitor CO2  and other  emissions. Envi-  for revenue growth.  Furthermore, the rise
        been  developed to monitor  workspace   ronmental pollution has been a significant   of social consciousness and the focus on
        safety. A helmet contains several electronic   issue for years, and it is necessary to au-  sustainability will make environmental,
        modules  with special sensors,  such  as  a   tomate data collection for internal control   social, and governance  (ESG)  investing a
        positioning  device, GPS  GLONASS-GSM   and information  transfer to government   priority in the CEO agenda.
        module,  gyroscope,  and accelerometer.   agencies  for centralized management  of
        It  detects  if  workers enter a  restricted   industrial waste. IoT helps resolve the prob-  Speaking of trends in IoT, it is also worth
        or hazardous  area and alerts them,  thus   lem by real-time monitoring of air and wa-  noting  new approaches  to building
        preventing  an accident  and eliminating a   ter quality parameters, including suspend-  infrastructure.  The growing number  of
        risk of injury.                      ed solids (mass concentration of dust PM   connected devices drives new requirements
                                             2.5, PM10), nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide,   that  traditional public  cellular  networks
        One more case illustrating how IoT is used   hydrogen sulfide, carbon oxide, ozone, tem-  can’t address. Verticals, such as utilities and
        in the oil and gas industry is a smart gas   perature, humidity, and pressure. IoT also   agriculture, are exploring  private cellular
        station. It answers for real-time monitoring   allows  the comparison  of received data   networks. These solutions  will enable
        of gas stations, manual intervention   with the accepted standard and reports ad-  secure,  on-premises deployments where
        reduction,  and inventory  management.   missibility or non-compliance using SMS,   public  mobile  networks are unavailable
        IoT-based smart gas station supports the   push, email, or other notifications. IoT de-  or not desired. Enterprises are looking for
        payment for fuel through  smartphones,   vices can be integrated into federal infor-  wireless networks  that  provide reliable
        improves the quality of monitoring  and   mation systems, thus allowing for urgent   coverage with the possibility of seamless
        control  at  the  filling  station.  IoT  also   measures at the  governmental  level. The   roaming from public to private networks.
        provides sensors, modules  for  Internet   technology  is  independent  of third-party
        access, and M2M interaction through data   measurement laboratories  to reduce  the   Conclusion
        exchange protocols for fuel-filling columns.   risks of data contradiction and fraud.  IoT adoption in  MENA is  expected  to
        Smart gas stations allow the monitoring of                               increase as  the government  strives  to
        fuel  tanks, engineering  systems, and gas   New Business Opportunities for CSPs  resolve the problem of resource scarcity
        station buildings. They utilize predictive on   IoT is not unique to the telecom market, but   and improve the well-being of citizens. The
        demand analytics to optimize operations,   CSPs can integrate it into their services to   enterprises’ drive to boost efficiencies and
        increase employee productivity,  and the   significantly expand the scope of services   decrease costs is also helping to encourage
        ability to develop  and introduce  new   offered to clients and, consequently,   IoT connections.  CSPs understand the
        services for consumers.              increase the income level.  Besides, IoT   increasing demand  for IoT and the
                                             helps CSPs go beyond traditional telecom   opportunities lying behind.  Previously,
        Personal Mobility                    services and collaborate  with  other   CSPs focused  primarily on suggesting
        IoT  also  significantly  improves  personal   spheres. For instance, one of the promising   basic data plans for IoT device connectivity
        mobility by advancing transportation and   areas for IoT application  is the housing   and narrow-band IoT (NB-IoT) over cellular
        delivery services. For example, companies   and communal  services segment.  Here,   networks, but today, they add more value to
        offering app-based short-time  rental of   CSPs can collaborate  with a contractor   their offering and position themselves as
        electric scooters use IoT to have complete   and sensor manufacturer to provide smart   key players in the IoT value chain. IoT will
        control over their scooter  fleet  dispersed   sensors  for homes during  construction.   bring  CSPs innovation, comprehensive
        throughout the country and across cities.   Besides, IoT can be used to develop smart   solutions,  and new income sources,
        IoT helps them secure traffic communicated   meters for water, gas, electricity, and heat   opening  endless  growth opportunities in
        from the scooters to the receiving servers   in smart homes. It automates accounting   our interconnected world.

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