Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 88


        Nkom Proposes  Regulation  of Wholesale Mobile  Market for Three More


                                             on mobile networks) for another three-year   the terms of the agreement’. Commenting
                                             period. Having last issued a regulatory de-  on that element  of the proposed legisla-
                                             cision  regarding Market 15 back in May   tion, Kamilla Sharma, department director
                                             2020,  Nkom  has  said  it  has  once  again   for market and services at  Nkom, said:
                                             found  Telenor  Norge  to  have  significant   ‘Nkom will provide a regulatory safety net
                                             market power (SMP) in the segment, and   that ensures that challengers do not have
                                             as such will require it to provide access to   to accept unreasonable  terms or prices,
                                             its mobile network to MVNOs on non-dis-  but at the same time allows for the parties
        Norway’s  National  Communications  Au-  criminatory  terms.  Further, as  part  of the   to be able to negotiate individual terms of
        thority (Nasjonal  kommunikasjonsmyn-  regulatory proposal Nkom has included a   agreement  to  a  greater extent.’ Nkom  is
        dighet, Nkom) has confirmed its intention   new resolution ‘that means [MVNOs] them-  now seeking feedback on its proposed reg-
        to continue regulating Market 15 (whole-  selves must take more responsibility for   ulation by a deadline of 27 October 2023.
        sale market for access and call origination   negotiations  with  network owners  about

        Kenya Sets New Termination Rate to Apply from March Next Year

        The  Communications  Authority  of Kenya  (CA) has published
        Determination No. 4 of 2023, which establishes a new fixed and
        mobile termination  rate (FTR  and MTR) that  will  apply from 1
        March 2024. From that date the rate will drop from the current
        level of KES0.58 (USD0.0038) per minute to KES0.41 for a period
        of two years, while the current SMS termination rate of KES0.05
        per  message will remain unchanged.  The  decision  follows the
        conclusion  of a ‘National Roaming,  Telecommunications  Tower
        Sharing and Termination Rates Network Cost Study’ carried out
        last year. In a press release, the CA said the new rate is informed
        by the prevailing economic environment, ICT market dynamics and
        the need to strike a balance between the promotion of investment
        and the protection of consumers. It added that the decision will
        have ‘positive outcomes for both the consumers and operators;
        consumers will now enjoy access to a variety of affordable services
        across networks while operators will have more price flexibility in
        developing more affordable products.

                                                               Polish  Wholesale Fiber  Operator

                                                               Boasts 400,000 Subscriptions

                                                               Swiatlowod Inwestycje, the Polish wholesale fiber-optic network
                                                               operator co-owned  by  Orange Poland and Netherlands-based
                                                               investment fund  APG, has  revealed that  it  has  400,000  active
                                                               subscriptions  across its  infrastructure, according  to a  report
                                                               from Third-party service providers who use its networks
                                                               include Orange, Play, Netia, Vectra, T-Mobile, Plus and Inea. The
                                                               Swiatlowod Inwestycje venture aims to have fiber-to-the-home
                                                               (FTTH) networks passing 2.4 million households by mid-2025.

                                                                                            88   OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2023
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