Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Batelco to Shut Down 2G Network

        Batelco  has  informed  customers  that   capacity for the deployment of 5G mobile   their devices and replace their SIM cards
        its  2G  network  will  be  phased  out  by  31   technology and enable it to meet the rapidly   to support 3G/4G networks.
        December  2019.  The  company  notes   growing demands of its customers. All 2G
        the  move  is  intended  to  free  up  network   device users have been urged to upgrade

                                             du, Wipro Partner Up to Launch IoT Security
                                             Platform in UAE

        du,    from    Emirates   Integrated   the UAE by helping enterprises to maintain   and identity  management  at  the center
        Telecommunications  Company  (EITC),   integrity, privacy, and compliance, ensuring   of  their  operations.  Wipro’s  technology
        announced  it  has entered a  partnership   that  their  data  is  safe  and  secure  while   expertise  and  understanding  of  domain-
        with  Wipro  Limited,  a  leading  global   enabling  efficiencies.  Bharat  Raigangar,   specific  business  challenges  coupled
        information  technology,  consulting  and   regional head and business partner (IMEA)   with  du’s  capabilities  will  allow  us  to
        business  process  services  company,   -  Cybersecurity  &  Risk  at  Wipro  Limited   create modern IT infrastructure solutions.”
        to  roll  out  their  purpose-built  Internet   said: “We are excited to partner with du to   This  partnership  was  announced  on  the
        of  Things  (IoT)  Identity  and  Access   offer an Identity and Access Management   sidelines  of  du’s  participation  at  GITEX
        Management  platform  for  the  UAE.  The   platform (IAM) for IoT. It will deliver secure   Technology  Week  taking  place  in  Dubai
        IoT  security  platform  aims  at  addressing   outcomes  for  businesses  needing  trust   until Thursday, 10 October 2019.
        potential  threats and securing devices
        and information, as well as adding policy-
        driven credential  management  and end-
        to-end  data  encryption,  while  enabling
        prompt  integration  and  interoperability,
        according  to  a  press  release.  Andrew
        Ward, Senior Vice President ICT Products
        at  du,  said:  “As  the  world  is  becoming
        more  connected,  it’s  our  responsibility  to
        offer innovative secure solutions to better
        manage IoT environments. In partnership
        with Wipro, we can now enable businesses
        across  the  UAE  with  a  robust,  device-
        centric  Identity and Access  Management
        platform  to  ensure  trust,  privacy  and
        security of data.” This IoT innovation will
        play a key role across major industries in

        du Satisfied with Huawei 5G Security

        UAE-based  operator  du  became  the   in 5G”, the news agency stated. He added   Malaysian operator Maxis  and Russia-
        latest  to  back  Huawei,  with  CTO  Saleem   du is concerned with US pressure around   based  MTS,  Arab  News  reported.  The
        Albalooshi  stating  the  company  has   the use of Huawei equipment, specifically   vendor  reportedly  also  gained  backing
        no  concerns  over  the  security  of  the   threats by the nation to suspend the sharing   from  Norwegian  cabinet  minister  Nikolai
        Chinese  vendor’s  kit,  Reuters  reported.   of  information  by  intelligence  services.   Astrup, who told Reuters the country wasn’t
        Albalooshi explained Huawei is deploying   However,  the  company’s  approach  will   planning  to  block  Huawei  from  working
        5G  equipment  for  the  operator  and  its   be  guided  by  the  UAE  government  and   on  5G  networks.  Huawei  has  repeatedly
        research had not uncovered any “security   regulations,  he  explained.  du’s  backing   denied its equipment is a security threat.
        holes” with the vendor’s gear, “specifically   adds  to  support  Huawei  gleaned  from

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