Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 28
Omantel Signs MoU with Dell Technologies
Omantel, the Sultanate’s largest integrated We have had several successes in the economic prosperity and high standards
technology service provider, has signed educational sector within the country, of living.” Mohammed Amin, senior vice
a Memorandum of Understanding with and we will continue to further augment president, Middle East, Russia, Africa and
Dell Technologies to further enhance its this with a strategic partnership with Dell Turkey at Dell Technologies, commented,
service offerings for the education sector Technologies - a pioneer in the digital “At Dell Technologies, our aim is to help
and develop a platform to accelerate transformation arena. The offered solution organizations build their digital future and
the modernization of Oman’s education will not only meet our highest requirements transform their infrastructure. We are well-
ecosystem. The MoU signing ceremony of continuing to provide quality service positioned with end-to-end solutions to
occurred at the Dell Technologies stand to our customers and their various enable Omantel to modernize its IT, which
during the 39th annual Gitex Technology stakeholders but also assist in developing in turn allows them to introduce advanced
Week and was signed by Baha Al Lawati, an exceptional education system as e-service offerings. We commend Omantel
Acting VP of Enterprise Business Unit at outlined in the Oman 2040 Vision. This for their vision to use technology to
Omantel and Mohammed Amin, Senior strategic alliance along with our wide reach transform the country’s education sector
Vice President, Middle East, Russia, Africa of ICT solutions and services will help and are excited to partner with them in
&Turkey at Dell Technologies. As part of cement our position of being a national their digital transformation journey.”
the agreement, both parties will implement company that is determined to enrich the
a smart education delivery platform for human capital within the county to achieve
their customers. This fully managed Dell
Technologies solution will deliver apps
and virtual desktops to student-owned
devices. It will facilitate a seamless
experience for students without the need
for additional infrastructure, helping to
keep costs low whilst maximizing the
student’s productivity and efficiency.
Furthermore, Dell Technologies will
provide Omantel with solutions for both
end-user computing and networking to
improve and facilitate an efficient workflow
environment. Omantel’s education
platform supported by Dell Technologies
will enable students and teachers to
access the latest technological tools to
enhance and accelerate their learning and
teaching capabilities respectively. Baha Al
Lawati, Acting VP of Enterprise Business
Unit at Omantel, said, “Our aspiration in
relation to the educational sector in Oman
is to build a totally enabled and connected
ecosystem through ICT innovations.
Omantel Teams Up with Microsoft and BPS to Deliver ICT Innovations
across the Sultanate
Omantel, the Sultanate’s first and lead- innovate, streamline, and revolutionise its such as Office 365in a seamless digital ex-
ing integrated telecommunications ser- digital smart home and business services. perience. “Our vision at Omantel is to build
vices provider at the 39th Gitex Technol- The offerings will be available to individu- a totally connected community through in-
ogy Week in partnership with Microsoft als and Small & Medium Size Enterprises novation,” said Andrew Hanna, Chief Com-
and BPS, announced to jointly deliver ICT (SMEs) through the bundle and standalone mercial Officer, Omantel. “And this stra-
innovations and services across the sul- packages via Omantel different digital tegic collaboration with Microsoft & BPS
tanate. The partnership between Oman- Channels, including Online store and Mo- reinforces our ICT transformation efforts
tel, Microsoft and BPS is guided by the bile Application. Consumers and SMEs will to achieve this vision in the Sultanate of
Omantel 3.0 transformation strategy to be able to purchase Microsoft products Oman. Our priority has been to enable both
28 OCTOBER 2019