Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 37


                                             AT&T, Verizon Join CBA in Backing C-Band Auction


        The C-Band Alliance said it’s now able to increase the amount of   the efficiency of satellite video delivery, allowing the same content
        spectrum from 180 MHz to 280 MHz, with a 20 MHz guard band.   to  be  transmitted  over  less  spectrum.  Specifically,  the  CBA  is
        While some lawmakers are turning up the pressure to force the   proposing to clear a first tranche of 120 MHz of spectrum, inclusive
        Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to conduct a public   of  a  20  MHz  guard  band,  in  46  metro  zones  within  18  months
        auction of C-band spectrum, the C-Band Alliance (CBA) announced   of an FCC order. A second tranche of spectrum would be made
        that  it  is  being  joined  by  several  entities  on  a  set  of  principles   available within 36 months of the C-band auction. The auction
        designed  to  guide  a  CBA-led  auction  of  the  airwaves.  Verizon,   principles  that  the  wireless  operators  and  satellite  companies
        AT&T,  Bluegrass  Cellular,  Pine  Belt  Wireless  and  U.S.  Cellular   are proposing suggest the use of a multi-round ascending clock
        joined the CBA in an FCC filing that details a set of principles to   auction format that is “substantively similar” to other recent FCC
        guide a process of auctioning off terrestrial rights to the spectrum.   auctions,  according  to  the  CBA.  The  principles  call  for  a  single
        Verizon  and  AT&T  previously  signaled  their  support  for  a  CBA   auction that would include all proposed cleared spectrum, divided
        plan in prior FCC filings. Notably absent from the list is T-Mobile,   into 20 MHz blocks based on partial economic areas, regardless
        which has been arguing for a public auction. Indeed, T-Mobile CTO   of timing or tranche. Other principles detailed in the filing include
        Neville Ray met with FCC commissioners last week to discuss the   the setting of an aggregate reserve price and the agreement for
        C-band, and noted support in the record for transitioning many of   participants  to  be  bound  by  the  FCC’s  communications  rules,
        the existing users to fiber. But the support of the wireless carriers   reporting  obligations  and  enforcement.  However,  because  the
        is just one development. The CBA on Monday also announced that   satellite  companies  in  the C-Band  Alliance are  headquartered
        it’s increasing the amount of spectrum it’s proposing to release   outside the U.S., lawmakers are crying foul and saying the U.S.,
        from 180 MHz to 280 MHz, with a 20 MHz guard band retained for   if it proceeds with a CBA-led auction, will be relinquishing billions
        the protection of ongoing satellite operations. It’s able to do that   of  dollars  to  foreign  companies  instead  of  funneling  it  to  U.S.
        after working with customers to ensure enough C-band spectrum   coffers. They also say that an auction that is not conducted by the
        remains for content distribution. The CBA further explained that   FCC will be challenged in court, causing further delays in getting
        the increase in the amount of spectrum to be cleared for 5G is made   the  spectrum  into  the  hands  of  wireless  carriers.  Last  week,  a
        possible  by  technologies  such  as  advanced  modulation,  single   group  of  lawmakers  introduced  the  C-BAND  Act,  which  would
        format  transport  and  advanced  video  compression,  including   require the FCC to conduct a public auction of the C-band. The
        High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). These technologies improve   Senate Subcommittee on Communications and Technology of the
                                                               Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing today on the
                                                               C-band auction process. Witnesses included Public Knowledge,
                                                               Citizens  Against  Government  Waste  and  other  groups  lobbying
                                                               for  an  FCC-led  auction.  In  light  of  that  hearing,  the  American
                                                               Consumer  Institute,  R  Street  Institute  and  others  submitted  a
                                                               letter to the committee asking them to support the CBA plan for
                                                               private auctions in the secondary market. They argued that U.S.
                                                               tax revenues will diminish if the C-band is not rapidly brought to
                                                               market and that the CBA repeatedly pledged to make a significant
                                                               contribution to the U.S. Treasury from auction proceeds. Earlier
                                                               this month, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said he had not yet made up his
                                                               mind about how the FCC will handle the C-band, but that he was
                                                               still optimistic an item will land on the FCC’s agenda before the
                                                               end of the year.

        AT&T, Axtel, Telmex Renew 3.5GHz Rights, Report Says

        As  Mexico  prepares  for  the  5G  era,   WiMAX concessions, each of which will run   3450MHz   and   3525MHz-3550MHz
        three domestic  players have  reportedly   for 20 years, starting on 1 January 2020.   bands. Meanwhile, Telmex has transferred
        renewed   legacy   spectrum   rights   All three players are required to relinquish   3550MHz-3575MHz  spectrum  to  AT&T,
        covering  the  5G-suitable  3.5GHz  band.   parts  of  their  current  3.4GHz  frequency   in  exchange  for  3475MHz-3500MHz
        According to  El  Economista,  the Federal   allocation by year-end, however, to ensure   frequencies. TeleGeography notes that an
        Telecommunications  Institute (Instituto   a  fairer  spectrum  distribution.  As  per  the   additional  50MHz  of  spectrum  within  the
        Federal  de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) has   report,  Axtel  will  now  operate  spectrum   3.4GHz-3.6GHz range is expected to come
        permitted AT&T Mexico, Axtel and Telmex   in the 3500MHz-3550MHz range and will   into play next year, most likely via an IFT
        to renew longstanding 50MHz nationwide   relinquish  frequencies  in  the  3425MHz-  auction.

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