Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        Tech Mahindra Collaborates with Netherlands Based Startup

        Tech  Mahindra  Ltd.  a  leading  provider   for  instance,  automotive  OEMs  (Original   deployed production grade Quasar Drive at
        of  digital  transformation,  consulting  and   Equipment  Manufacturers)  become  a   its research and development arm, Makers
        business  reengineering  services  and   payment gateway, triggering new revenue   Lab  in  India  and  United  States  to  enable
        solutions, announced its collaboration with   streams through aftermarket ecosystem.”   customers  to  immediately  pilot  with  any
        Quantoz,  Netherlands-based  innovative   The Quasar solution is already being used   connected product. This helps in creating
        Blockchain   technology   application   for  multiple  industries  like  automotive,   a  ‘pay  per  use’  model  and  also  convert
        incubator,  specialized  in  building  and   healthcare, heavy machine manufacturing   a  CapEx  (Capital  Expenditure)  based
        implementing Blockchain-based solutions,   and  telecom.  The  “Connected  Cars”  use   implementation into an OpEx (Operational
        to offer Blockchain-as-a-Service for secure   case  on  Blockchain  gives  cars  their  own   Expenditure)  model.  Quasar  is  one  of
        digital payments. This disruptive solution,   wallets  for  peer-to-peer  transaction,   the  Blockchain  platforms  accessible
        Quasar,  will  also  enable  integration   creating  an  intelligent  ecosystem  of  car   from   Tech   Mahindra’s   Blockchain
        of  fiat  currency  like  US  Dollar  or  Euro,   manufacturers,  customers  and  various   Design  Studio  -  industry’s  first  on  cloud
        and  legacy  systems.  Further,  it  enables   service  providers.  This  enables  car   interface  that  showcases  25  Blockchain
        instant, irreversible digital cash payments   manufacturers  to  provide  a  monetization   applications  along  with  6  Blockchain
        among  enterprises,  people  and devices   platform  to  third  party  service  providers,   protocols.  The  Blockchain  Design  Studio
        in  the  Internet  of  Things,  compliant  with   helping  them  shift  from  single  revenue   gives  customers,  for  the  first  time,  an
        regulations. As a result, devices connected   car model. Henri de Jong, Quantoz Board   opportunity  to  experience  Blockchain
        via the internet can autonomously handle   Member  and  responsible  for  Business   through  direct  access  of  Blockchain
        payments.  Quasar  is  a  distributed,   Development,  said,  “The  cooperation   platforms  applications  built  by  Tech
        permissioned Blockchain-based electronic   with  Tech  Mahindra  helps  us  to  further   Mahindra and industry protocols. As part
        cash  system  with  built-in  rules  to  fulfil   roll  out  our  Quasar  technology.  We  have   of  the  TechMNxt  charter,  Tech  Mahindra
        regulatory  and  compliance  guidelines.   been  working  with  the  Tech  Mahindra   is  focused  on  leveraging  next  generation
        Rajesh  Dhuddu,  Global  Practice  Leader,   Blockchain  team  over  the  past  one  and   technologies   like   Blockchain,   5G,
        Blockchain, Tech Mahindra, said, “As part   half year on projects in different industries   Internet  of  Things,  Artificial  Intelligence,
        of our TechMNxt charter, Tech Mahindra is   around  the  world.  With  the  help  of  this   Cybersecurity to disrupt and enable digital
        focused on leveraging Blockchain to create   partnership,  Quantoz  will  leverage  Tech   transformation,  and  to  build  and  deliver
        disruptive solutions and provide enhanced   Mahindra’s  extensive  experience  reach   cutting-edge  technology  solutions and
        experience to our customers globally. Our   and offer Quasar Drive platform as a key   services to address real world problems to
        collaboration with Quantoz is a step in that   tool  to  drive  digital  transformation  for   meet the customer’s evolving and dynamic
        direction, as it will enable our customers,   clients.”  Tech  Mahindra  has  successfully   needs.

        Tech Mahindra Launches 5G Enabled Solution to Build Wireless and Secure

        ‘Factory of the Future’

        Tech  Mahindra  Ltd.  a  leading  provider   factory  to  enterprise  Software  Defined   needs,  and  enable  them  to  RISETM.”
        of  digital  transformation,  consulting  and   network, Cybersecurity, IT-OT (Information   Additionally, Tech Mahindra has  also
        business  reengineering  services  and   Technology  –  Operation  Technology)   launched ‘IoT Sandbox’, a highly efficient
        solutions, has announced the launch of a   integration  areas.  Nilesh  Auti,  Global   persona  based  IoT  (Internet  of  Things)
        5G-enabled solution to build wireless and   Head  Manufacturing  Industry  unit,  Tech   solution  finder  which  helps  in  finding
        secure ‘factory of the future.’ It is an end-  Mahindra, said, “Factory equipment holds   the  correct  solution  required  basis  the
        to-end business and technology solution to   a  great  deal  of  meaningful  data  which  is   persona across categories from industries
        enable manufacturers to achieve industry   key to any successful Industry 4.0 project.   such as Industrial manufacturing, process
        4.0 goals. The solution, built in partnership   Tech  Mahindra’s  solution  in  partnership   manufacturing, Automotive, Aero, Oil & Gas,
        with  Cisco,  a  worldwide  technology   with  Cisco,  will  enable  us  to  leverage   Retail and Healthcare among others. The
        leader, will provide network infrastructure   this  data  and  empower  manufacturers   solution  catalogue cuts across Industry
        assessment and consultancy  services   to build factories of the future. As part of   4.0  and  IoT  and  has  been  launched  with
        to  build  ‘factory  of  the  future’.  Key   our TechMNxt charter we are focused on   40+ use cases in the areas of Industrial IoT.
        highlights  of  the  factory  infrastructure   leveraging 5G  technologies  to  address
        space include – factory wireless network,   our  customer’s  evolving  and  dynamic

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