Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        and  markets  He  pointed  out  that  the   that  six  new  training  centers  will  be   social  level,”  he  added.  Ahmed  Sarhan,
        implementation of the project in Port Said   established,  bringing  the  total  to  12   Chairperson   of   the   Committee   on
        and Gharbia governorates are just the first   centers.   Regarding   innovation   and   Communications   and   Information
        stage,  with  plans  to  expand  to  all   technology projects, the minister said that   Technology said that digital transformation
        governorates  within  24  months.  Talaat   the telecommunications sector  produced   is an important tool for economic growth
        pointed  out  that  the  application  of  the   1,500  new  companies  last  year,  and  that   and is no longer a luxury or choice. Digital
        project  and  its  circulation  will  provide  an   major foreign companies have taken over   transformation has positive economic and
        information  map  on  agriculture  in  Egypt   nine of them, noting that Egypt became the   social  effects  and  is  a  locomotive  for
        and will better handle the encroachment of   second  fastest  growing  economy  in  the   economic  growth  and  can  achieve  state
        agricultural  land  and  reduce  wrong   Middle East last year, of which 4% comes   plans  and  objectives,  he  added.  Sarhan
        practices in obtaining government support   from  the  communication  sector,  up  from   noted that the automation of government
        unlawfully.  He  added  that  the  project  of   3.2%  contribution  to  GDP  last  year,  with   procedures  has  a  positive  effect  in
        restructuring  the  tax  system  is  being   plans  to  reach  8%  in  three  years.  The   facilitating access to services for citizens,
        implemented  in  cooperation  with  the   minister  reviewed  the  second  axis  of   improving  the  efficiency  of  services,
        Ministry  of  Communications  and  the   Egypt’s  digital  strategy,  which  aims  to   reducing   bureaucracy,   assisting   the
        Ministry of Finance and aim to achieve tax   develop the health and education sectors   government in combating corruption, and
        justice  and  discipline  for  the  tax   along  with  youth  training  on  digital   can create a real database that contributes
        community.  This  newfound  tax  structure   transformation. He explained that the use   to  drawing  development  and  investment
        will  expand  the  tax  payer  base  without   of  contemporary  smart  technology  and   plans  on  real  and  realistic  bases.  He
        burdening  the  taxpayers,  thus  increasing   applications have become a key element in   stressed  the  importance  of  national
        tax revenues. In regard with increasing the   increasing an individual’s competitiveness   companies and the Egyptian youth entering
        internet speed in Egypt, Talaat said that the   for a job. He revealed the most important   digital   transformation   projects   and
        volume  of  investments  allocated  to   feature in the grand scheme of the project   automating  state  procedures.  Egyptian
        improve  speeds  have  reached  $1.6bn,   is the construction of the city of knowledge   companies  have  the  opportunity  to  be
        adding that the average internet speed in   that will be built on an area of more than   influential, industrial, and participate in all
        Egypt will reach 20Mbps by the end of this   200  feddan  in  the  new  administrative   components  and  stages  of  the  digital
        year,  compared  to  17.75Mbps  currently,   capital.  The  first  phase  includes  the   transformation  projects.  Khaled  Hegazy,
        and will increase to 40Mbps by the end of   establishment   of   four   technology   CEO of Etisalat Misr Corporate Sector, said
        2020.  He  stressed  that  his  ministry  is   buildings.  Fathallah  Fawzy,  President  of   that  digital  transformation  has  gained
        working in cooperation with the Ministry of   the  ELBA,  affirmed  the  Egyptian  people’s   great importance for Egypt with the launch
        Youth and Sports to develop youth centers   solidarity  with  Lebanon  in  their  march  to   of the economic reform program and other
        scattered  around  the  country,  which  is   reform,  stability,  and  prosperity.  Fawzy   giant  national  projects.  He  stressed  that
        estimated to be about 4,000 youth centers.   said that the technological revolution and   the  private  sector  is  looking  forward  to
        This will better help the country train and   digital  transformation  in  Egypt  is  the   achieving  real  integration  with  the
        create  the  next  generation  to  keep  pace   largest  step  in  its  overall  and  government  and  is  encouraging
        with technological advancements and deal   comprehensive  reform  process,  which   partnership  with  various  government
        with various applications. Talaat explained   started after President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi   entities  to  enable  itself  and  the  Egyptian
        that the ministry is looking to connect fiber   assuming the presidency  years ago “We   youth  to play their role in digital
        optic cables to 100 centers by the end of   see the  results  ourselves  in  the digital   transformation  projects  and  provide  new
        the  year.  He  added  that  the  ministry  has   transformation  and  the  great  leap  in   ideas to provide digital services to citizens
        trained  4,000  young  people  in  fiscal  year   digitization  and  the  use  of  technological   in various fields.
        2017/16 and 13,000 last year, and plans to   applications  in advanced  technological
        train  25,000  youth  this  fiscal  year,  noting   programs,  whether  on  the  economic  or

        Al Madar Switches on 5G Services

        Libyan  cellular  operator  Almadar  Aljaded   of a trial network capable of speeds up to   also extended its LTE-A ‘4G+’ service, first
        (Al  Madar),  the  country’s  second  largest   1.5Gbps. The company has said the service   launched in January 2018, to the cities of
        mobile  network  operator  (MNO)  by   will  initially  be  available  in  the  country’s   Qaminis, Kufra and Marj in recent weeks.
        subscribers, has announced the launch of   main  cities  by  2020,  before  eventually
        5G  services  following  successful  testing   being rolled out nationwide. Al Madar has

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