Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 89


        domain name owner wants to move, and clarifying mechanisms   bh) to book Arabic extensions for six months from the launch of
        for  filing  complaints  and  resolving  disputes  in  the  event  of  a   the service, after which it will be made available to the general
        dispute over the right to use between domain name owners etc. In   public. TRA would like to note that during the quarter 4 of 2021,
        addition to (.bh) domain name,   an International Top Level   registration will  be open  for trademark  &  CR holders  initially,
        Domain Name in Arabic     has been assigned for those wishing to   followed by locally based entities and institutions and individuals,
        use the names of their websites in Arabic. Priority will be granted   and then registration will be open to the international public.
        to those with a (.bh) digital presence and local extensions (i.e edu.  (October 18, 2021) TRA Bahrain


        The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has started   measures include providing mobile phone coverage in strategic
        implementing an urgent plan to expand cell phone coverage on   roads in the governorates of Ismailia, Suez, New Valley, Aswan,
        five main roads. NTRA will launch a limited tender for companies   Giza,  Beni  Suef,  and  Minya.  The  first  road  is  extending  across
        licensed  to establish and operate  mobile  phone  base stations   the 30th of June axis from Cairo-Ain Sokhna Road to the Cairo-
        at a cost of EGP 324m. The service will start operating by 2022.   Ismailia  Desert  Road, connecting  the governorates  of Ismailia
        The  authority  will  finance  the  project  through  the  Universal   and Suez. The second road is the Paris Lake spillway road in the
        Service  Fund  (USF).  USF  is  a  fund  concerned  with  financing   New Valley  governorate. The third road connects  Aswan-Abu
        the projects  of the national communications  and information   Simbel Road to Arqin in Aswan governorate. The fourth road is Al-
        technology  plans and the infrastructure projects necessary   Kuraymat Road to Beni Suef, linking Giza Governorate with Beni
        to provide basic telecommunications  services. This comes   Suef. The Fifth road connects the Cairo-Assiut Desert Road and
        within the framework of the role of NTRA in developing  and   Cairo-Aswan Eastern Desert Road in Minya governorate. NTRA,
        disseminating  telecommunications  services throughout  the   through the help of USF, previously financed projects to establish,
        country, with the aim of enhancing national and social cohesion   operate, and provide mobile phone services for 17 strategic roads
        and achieving economic  growth. It  is also part of the  national   across the country, with a total length of 2,700 km and a cost of
        project to cover  main roads with  mobile  service and providing   EGP 862m within the framework of an integrated plan to cover
        basic communication services and road aid on strategic roads   new roads with telecommunications services.
        across Egypt. NTRA explained in a press release today that these   (October 11, 2021)


        Lebanon’s parliamentary Media and Communications Committee   the problems facing the sector: ‘The dilemma is  not limited to
        yesterday issued an urgent warning that the telecoms sector could   the inability to secure diesel, but also the inability to purchase
        ‘collapse’ within days due to fuel shortages. Voice and internet   spare parts, whose prices have become exorbitant. In addition, we
        services have been intermittently suspended in various regions   have thefts targeting telecom networks in Lebanon, some stolen
        in recent months after problems stemming from the country’s   pieces  of spare parts and transmission  poles  are being  sold
        financial  crisis,  and  electricity  shortages  were  exacerbated  by   online. It turned out that Touch and Alfa, which get diesel from
        shortages of diesel to power back-up generators, with vital sectors   oil facilities, now have to pay for it in dollars, so now government
        including hospitals, education and communications all suffering   institutions are required to pay  in dollars.  This is  complicated
        as a result. The latest statement from the Committee disclosed:   because companies do not have the right to buy with dollars from
        ‘The quantity of diesel  at  Lebanon’s  state-owned  Touch  and   the market, and this increases the cost, and this foreign currency
        Alfa  mobile companies  and the state-run telecommunications   is not available.’ Committee member Rola Al-Tabash explained
        company  Ogero,  which  operates  fixed  lines  and  fixed  internet,   further to Arab News: ‘We would slide into a  new crisis that
        is  enough to  run  for only a  few  days,  [without  which]  telecom   paralyses everything in Lebanon and isolates it from the world if
        services will  crumble.’  Arab News notes  that the Committee   diesel for the telecom network’s generators is not provided. The
        yesterday agreed to ‘open an additional credit for Ogero to meet   Ministry of Energy’s policy over the years has led to this inability
        its needs for fuel and spare parts, at a value of LBP350 billion   to secure power. The General Directorate of Oil, which considers
        [USD232 million] in the 2021 budget.’ Telecoms minister Johnny   itself an independent administration, has set its prices in dollars,
        Korm is expected to present the issues to Cabinet today. Head   and the state cannot buy with dollars.’
        of  the  Committee, Hussein Hajj  Hassan,  highlighted  some of   (October 6, 2021) Arab News

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