Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        that  caretaker telecoms  minister Talal  Hawat  is  in discussions   Kuwait’s Zain Group – is expected to be transferred to the MoT by
        this week with the Media and Telecommunications Committee on   the end of September, with Hawat stating yesterday (7 September
        the handover of mobile networks to the state. Caretaker Minister   2020): ‘With the management of Alfa fully returning to the custody
        of Industry Hussein al-Hajj Hassan was quoted as saying: ‘The   of the telecommunications  ministry, we have accomplished
        next government is the one that will decide on the management   an important step that will be entirely complete with the return
        process of the sector, but we must benefit from the experience of   of  the  management  of  Touch,  which  is  expected  very  soon.’
        past years and the mistakes that were made in order to prevent   TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database  notes  that  Egyptian-
        corruption and waste.’                                 owned Orascom Telecom Lebanon (OTL) has managed Alfa (MIC
        (October 20, 2020)                     1)  on  behalf  of  its  sole  owner  the  Lebanese  government  since
                                                               February  2009.  Egyptian  billionaire  Naguib  Sawiris’  Orascom
        One  of  Lebanon’s  two  state-owned  mobile  network  operators,   Investment  Holding  (OIH,  formerly  Orascom  Telecom  Media  &
        Alfa (registered as Mobile  Interim Company  1 [MIC  1]), is   Technology Holding) is the owner of OTL. Touch Lebanon (MIC
        now  officially  managed  by  the  government  via  the  Ministry  of   2) is  also wholly state-owned,  but since June  2004  has  been
        Telecommunications  (MoT)  in  accordance  with  the  Lebanese   managed on behalf of the government by Zain Group, which owns
        Cabinet’s  resolution  of  5  May  2020,  reports  news  site  The961.  100% of the local management firm Mobile Telecommunications
        com.  Alfa’s  existing  Egyptian  private  sector  management  team   Company Lebanon. OIH also confirmed the resignation of Alfa’s
        confirmed the changeover. Telecoms minister Talal Hawat noted   current board of directors  and ‘the election  of a  new board of
        that the handover was supposed to take place earlier this year   directors named by the Ministry of Telecommunications’.
        but was delayed, firstly due to the COVID-19 crisis and then as a   (September 8, 2020)
        result of the devastating Beirut Port explosion. The management
        of  rival  cellco  Touch  Lebanon  (MIC  2)  –  currently  managed  by


        Morocco  has  developed  one of the most advanced      reach  and capabilities,  and the preference  among  consumers
        telecommunications  markets  in Africa, supported by  the   to adopt  mobile  solutions  for both voice  and data.  This report
        government’s  Maroc  Digital  2020  strategy  to  encourage  the   analyses Morocco’s fixed-line, broadband and mobile telephony
        development of a digital economy and on the National Broadband   sectors,  including  statistics, assessments of recent  regulatory
        Plan which aims to provide fixed or mobile broadband access to   measures, details on licensing regimes and spectrum auctions,
        the entire population by 2022. The country had the fastest mobile   and  profiles  of  the  major  players.  The  report  also  includes  a
        broadband  data  rates  in Africa  as  of June  2020,  a  testament   range of subscriber forecasts to 2025. BuddeComm notes that
        to investments made by  the MNOs  over the years.  The part-  the outbreak of the Coronavirus in 2020 is having a significant
        privatized incumbent telco Maroc Telecom remains the dominant   impact on production  and supply  chains  globally.  During  the
        player in the fixed-line sector though it has effective competition   coming year the telecoms sector to various degrees is likely to
        in  the  mobile  sector.  The  fixed-line  broadband  market  remains   experience a downturn in mobile device production, while it may
        dominated  by Maroc  Telecom.  In February 2020 the  company   also  be  difficult  for  network  operators  to  manage  workflows
        was heavily fined for failing to enable competitor access to its   when maintaining and upgrading existing infrastructure. Overall
        DSL infrastructure, but despite these regulatory efforts to enforce   progress towards 5G may be postponed or slowed down in some
        LLU and wholesale pricing there is little in the way of access to   countries. On the consumer side, spending on telecoms services
        its networks and as a result the fixed-line broadband market has   and devices is under pressure from the financial effect of large-
        not developed  to its  potential. The introduction  and extension   scale job losses and the  consequent  restriction  on  disposable
        of mobile broadband services has gone far to improving access   incomes. However, the crucial nature of telecom services, both
        nationally. Mobile internet by early 2020 accounted for 93.3% of   for general communication as well as a tool for home-working,
        all  internet  connections,  leaving  Maroc  Telecom’s  DSL  service   will offset such pressures. In many markets the net effect should
        with most  of the remainder.  The dominance  of mobile  internet   be a steady though reduced increased in subscriber growth.
        access  is  likely  to  continue  given  the  improvements  in  LTE   (September 26, 2020)

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