Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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        infrastructure and raise the efficiency of its national resources.   goals." (September 15, 2020)
        He added, “We spare no effort to develop the telecommunications
        sector  and  achieve equitable  access  to the required  resources   The UAE maintained its Arab and regional leadership in a number
        of the frequency spectrum, to promote the deployment of 5G in   of ICT  related indicators,  according to  the Global Innovation
        the UAE, and thus develop smart services, accelerate the process   Index Report  2020, which included  results related to Global
        of digital  transformation and achieve sustainable development   Competitiveness indicators for ICT sector. According to the report,
        goals.” The UAE strategy for 5G and beyond (2020-2025) focuses   the UAE ranked first on the Arab and regional level in Information
        on 5G  deployment and  coverage, as  well  as  the establishment   & communication technologies (ICTs) Pillar, ICT Access indicator,
        of leading partnerships to support a diverse ecosystem. It also   and ICT Use Indicator. These indicators measure the progress and
        enhances  cooperation between telecom  service providers and   development  of the Telecommunications infrastructure  globally
        vertical sectors in the UAE that wish to benefit from 5G.  as a main enabler for innovation and a major element in creating
        (September 25, 2020)                        an innovative environment. The UAE also ranked first in the Arab
                                                               region in Generic top-level domains (gTLDs), and in Country-code
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, announced   top-level domains (ccTLDs) (.ae). These indicators measure the
        the allocation of a new frequency band that allows UAE telecom   percentage of domain registration globally, and show the volume
        operators to expand the application of 5G, in line with the decisions   of movement and technological interaction in the countries, which
        of the World Radiocommunication Conference  2019, WRC-19.   enhance online creativity. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director
        Frequencies in the millimeter wave range between 24.25 - 27.5   General,  said:  “The  UAE  continues  its  global  leadership  in  the
        GHz  have been  allocated  to the development  of 5G networks,   ICT sector by achieving advanced positions in competitiveness
        which strengthens the UAE’s leading position in the region, as the   indicators that  measure the progress and development  of the
        first in the Middle East and North Africa to allocate this range.   sector’s infrastructure. “Recently, we have witnessed the results of
        The band will be allocated in two phases based on the equipment   many years of cumulative work to develop the sector and raise its
        availability. The first phase has already started on 1st September   readiness for the future, in cooperation with our strategic partners.
        2020, in which the frequency band 26.5-27.5 GHz was allocated   The UAE experience in overcoming the current situation has been
        to the operators. The second phase will start in the third quarter   a clear evidence of its leadership and excellence represented by
        of 2021, through which 1 GHz will be allocated per operator in the   a  smooth transition to  virtual  activities  such as  remote work,
        (25.5 - 27.5 GHz) range. The new 1 GHz bandwidth will provide   distance learning, e-commerce and digital government services,
        each of the mobile operators with an opportunity to enhance and   thus  the continuation of the  work of many vital sectors  in the
        develop  wireless broadband  services using  5G technologies  in   country.” Al Mansoori affirmed that TRA, under the guidance of
        terms of speed and data volume compared to 4G. It will also provide   the wise leadership, has worked to develop plans and strategies
        other  additional features such  as higher  rates to transfer data   for the development of the ICT sector and to achieve leadership
        per second and enhanced communications capacity per square   in this key sector. “Our wise leadership and its insightful vision
        kilometer, while ensuring the quality of services and increasing   realized the importance of ICTs,  and therefore its  directives
        performance  efficiency  compared  to  previous  generations.  TRA   were clear to develop and support this sector, so the UAE was a
        also confirmed that 5G deployment in the UAE by the licensees   pioneer in all stages of work across successive generations from
        complies with Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic   communications systems to 5G that are being deployed to be an
        Fields approved by  recognized international  organizations   entry point to the era of the smart city and the Fourth Industrial
        such as  the World Health  Organization, WHO, the International   Revolution. TRA has been keen on extending Internet networks
        Commission  on Non-Ionizing  Radiation Protection,  ICNIRP, and   to all  regions of the UAE, to ensure that  everyone  has access
        the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, and in   to communication services,  Internet,  and electronic  and smart
        line with TRA’s framework for Non-Ionizing Radiation Limits for   services,” he added. These results are a continuation of a series
        Telecommunication  Networks.  Commenting  on this decision,   of positive results achieved by the telecommunications sector in
        Hamad  Obaid  Al  Mansoori, TRA Director-General,  said,  "This   the UAE, confirming the UAE global leadership in the pursuit of
        decision comes in line with the UAE Strategy for 5G and beyond   digital transformation and entering the era of the Fourth Industrial
        (2020-2025), as the provision of the frequency spectrum for 5G   Revolution, artificial intelligence and the Internet of things. The
        contributes  to  building a  high-standard  global communication   UAE ranked first in the Arab region and fourth globally in launching
        platform and enabling the UAE to use and apply the latest ICT,   and using 5G networks,  according  to the  Global Connectivity
        to  provide global  standards  services, achieve  long-term social   Index. TRA began implementing and using IMT2020 technology,
        and economic benefits in various areas such as manufacturing,   known as 5G, at the end of 2017. The UAE has also ranked first
        transportation, healthcare, and education. Moreover, this initiative   in  the  Middle East  region in  transitioning to  IPv6,  according to
        comes  as a  result of international  coordination  and technical   the  statistics issued  by Ripe  NCC,  Akamai  Technologies,  and
        studies  that have lasted more than 4 years, which  highlights   Google. The transition to IPv6 supports Internet service providers
        the  importance  of international  coordination  and harmony  in   in providing services, in addition to its significant positive impact
        providing access  to this important  part  of the spectrum." He   on the implementation of 5G, and the digital transformation in the
        added,  "We spare no effort  to develop the telecommunications   country. The importance of implementing IPv6 comes as a result
        sector  and  achieve equitable  access  to the required  resources   of the great scarcity of Internet protocols, and the inability of IPv4
        of the frequency spectrum, to promote the deployment of 5G in   to meet the increasing demand in light of the rapid growth of the
        the UAE, and thus develop smart services, accelerate the process   Internet.   (September 13, 2020)
        of digital  transformation and achieve sustainable development
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