Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 22


        Etisalat Digital Teams Up With Smartworld For ‘Shahada‘ Blockchain

        Etisalat Digital announced its partnership   system integrator, and Grape Technology,   with  eight  major  banks  to  digitize  trade
        with  Smartworld to exclusively bring   a UAE blockchain startup. Shahada is in   in  the  finance  sector.”  Abdulqader  Ali,
        Shahada, a tamper-proof digital certificate   alignment  with  both  the  UAE  Blockchain   Chief  Executive  Officer,  Smartworld,  said:
        platform, to all educational institutions in   Strategy 2021 and the 50-Year Charter   “Significant synergies will be gained from
        the region. This revolutionary solution will   launched  by  Sheikh Mohammed bin   our partnership  with  Etisalat  Digital and
        save time, effort and resources by enabling   Rashid Al Maktoum,  Vice  President  and   we are excited  about the opportunities
        these  institutions to securely issue   Prime Minister of the UAE  and Ruler   moving forward.  Our ecosystem solution
        credentials on blockchain, avoiding forgery   of Dubai.  Abdulla  Ebrahim Al  Ahmed,   will  not only help  students,  government
        of  paper-based  certificates  and  creating   Senior  Vice President,  Government Sales,   and educational institutions,  but  also
        an educational passport where credentials   Etisalat,  said:  “We  are  pleased  to  partner   employers who  will  experience  ease of
        are easily  shared  with  third  parties, who   with  Smartworld to  bring Shahada, a   verification  and  a  reduction  of  fraud.”
        can verify  their  authenticity  seamlessly.   secure platform that is  a  groundbreaking   The Shahada platform brings  together
        Etisalat  Digital  is  working closely  with   innovation for the educational  sector.   educational  institutions,  government
        Smartworld  to  empower  ‘Shahada’  with   Etisalat  Digital with its  capabilities and   entities and other stakeholders  on a
        its  market  reach,  advanced  infrastructure   expertise,  utilizes  disruptive  technologies   secure permissioned blockchain platform.
        in the country and operational capabilities   to  empower  all  sectors in  UAE  and the   It  enables ministries to play a regulatory
        and take it to all schools and universities.   Middle East.  Shahada reinforces our   role on the blockchain records,  digitally
        The platform was  launched  in  February   capabilities in  blockchain after  launching   attest and certify credentials issued inside
        this year by Smartworld, the UAE’s leading   a  nationwide platform in collaboration   and outside the UAE.

        Digital Enablement Is Key to Transformation in the New Normal, Says
        Etisalat Chief Technology Officer

        Transformation is  key  in  the new  normal
        with a  focus  on innovation by building
        new capabilities and tools that  are
        digitally  enabled  and  are  sustainable,
        said  Hatem  Bamatraf,  Chief  Technology
        Officer,  Etisalat  International,  during  the
        Telecoms  World  Middle  East  &  Carriers
        World  Middle  East  2020.  “Etisalat  has
        always thrived and continuously invested
        in  building an  advanced network  and
        introducing  new  services to meet the
        growing  requirements  of  customers
        especially in today’s new normal. We are
        the cusp of this metamorphosis where we
        are able  to deliver uninterrupted  services
        to our  customers,  provide  solutions  in   panel  on ‘Embracing  tech  transformation   Officer,  Etisalat,  took  part  in  an  insightful
        an  age of social  distancing  and remote   in today’s new normal society’. The two-  panel discussion on ‘Opportunities  await
        working  to  enable  faster  decision  day conference taking place virtually from   the  Middle  East:  capitalizing  on  the
        making for businesses,  minimize human   13th to 14th October is among the biggest   geographical advantage of the region and
        interactions  and increase the  pace of   and most influential  telecom  events in   exploring the opportunities that lie ahead.
        automation. Thanks to the UAE vision in   the region,  focusing  on the  strategies,   A multitude of topics were discussed such
        positioning the country as one of the most   technologies  and big ideas that  will  be   as exploring  the barriers  to connectivity;
        competitive nations globally despite the   essential for telecoms companies in 2020.   adapting  digital mentality and utilizing
        headwinds posed by today’s extraordinary   Etisalat  chief executives  participated in   and  benefiting  from  OTTs;  improving
        times  we  continue to  realize  our  digital   panel  discussions and live interactive   connectivity and overcoming obstacles in
        goals to meet the distinctive needs of all   sessions  moderated  by global and   the region; accessing emerging  markets
        customers,” said Bamatraf. Bamatraf was   regional experts  in the region.  Ali  Amiri,   in the Middle East for global and regional
        a key panelist in the opening CEO keynote   Group  Chief  Carrier  and Wholesale   carriers;  and outlining  the necessity to

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