Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 73



        Combating Climate Change with 5G

           The  telecoms  industry is  taking  a lead
           by  addressing  its  own  energy  efficiency.
           The cellular industry was the world’s first,
           in  2016, to commit to achieving  the  UN
           Sustainable  Development  Goals (SDGs),
           setting  an industry goal  of  net-zero

           emissions by 2050.

        The  planet is  facing  a  climate emergency  which,  if not tackled
        immediately, threatens every aspect of life. 5G is being deployed
        at  a  time  when  energy  efficiency  is  a  matter  of  life  or  death,
        and it can play a significant role in helping every industry to hit
        sustainability goals by enabling them to transform their processes
        and behaviour. Recent years have seen many governments and
        international organisations – including within the MENA region –
        initiate sustainability and climate protection programmes, many
        with targets based on those  contained  in the UN Framework
        Convention on Climate Change, agreed in Paris in 2016. To date,
        77 countries and major sub-national economies have set net-zero
        emission targets by 2050.

        Government leadership is important, but not enough on its own.
        Modern lifestyles have driven a sharp increase in energy usage,
        85%  of  which  was  still  based  on  fossil  fuels  in  2018.  Use  of
        fossil fuels is one of the key factors driving higher emissions of   Li Xiangyu (Spacelee)
        greenhouse gas (GHG), which contribute to global warming. This,   VP of Public Affairs and Communications
        in turn, has multiple dangerous impacts on the environment and   Huawei Middle East
        on human life, such as natural disasters and the destruction of
        human and animal habitats. GHG emissions rose by 1.5% per year
        between  2008  and  2018,  according  to  the  United  Nations  (UN)
        Emissions Gap Report  2019, and total  GHG  emissions reached
        a  record  high of  55.3  gigatonnes  of  carbon dioxide equivalent
        (GtCO2e) in 2018.

        Every  industry  needs  to  define  its  own  targets  and  a  clear
        roadmap to reach them. The telecoms industry is taking a lead by
        addressing its own energy efficiency. The cellular industry was the
        world’s first, in 2016, to commit to achieving the UN Sustainable
        Development Goals (SDGs), setting an industry goal of net-zero
        emissions by 2050.

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