Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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Second, CSPs lack a comprehensive functions from a centralized location enable on-site workers to conduct main-
convergent billing environment capable to diverse distribution points and helps tenance, repair, and operations supplies
of handling the complex B2B offering and decrease latency and expand the range of safely. For instance, Schneider Electric’s Le
covering all available products, including applications and services delivered to B2B Vaudreuil Factory has successfully tested
partner products, and technologies. clients. Along with 5G, MEC contributes 5G for an AR application that enables op-
Software currently used to bill and invoice to the digital transformation of CSPs, erators to superimpose real-time data and
complex B2B products and services lacks generates new revenue opportunities, and virtual objects onto cabinets, machines, or
high-quality automated billing solutions, creates competitive advantages. an entire plant. Ultimately, more devices
and a lot of the tasks are manual. Hence, will get connected, the 5G ecosystem will
B2B customers receive multiple bills for Second, another essential telco revenue evolve, and costs for deployment will de-
several products from the same operator growth factor is building the right partner- crease, so private 5G networks could be-
and face discrepancies between product ships and valuable partner ecosystems. come an increasingly desirable choice for
fulfillment and product invoicing. Partnering with the proper entities and smaller manufacturers and businesses of
having the capability to integrate new part- all sizes.
Third, 5G technologies are expected to ners easily, quickly, and smoothly will allow
increase the complexity of B2B dedicated CSPs to offer specific B2B services based Finally, CSPs should adopt a broader
products and services, but many operators on unique market demands. perspective on future-proof capabilities
are still not ready to handle them effectively. that will empower them to harmonize
For example, in the MENA region, 5G The right partner ecosystem is especially revenues from any use case. Therefore,
monetization is still in the early stage: the valuable for 5G monetization. For instance, Nexign has introduced a new cloud-native,
existing primary 5G offerings include fixed having the right partner with advanced microservices-based solution designed
wireless access and EMBB aimed mainly knowledge of the specific business or to help operators consolidate all revenue
at residential users. At the same time, the industrial sector helps successfully sources on a single convergent platform.
B2B offering remains weak, and improving implement private 5G networks, such as Nexign Revenue Management lets CSPs
it requires time and resources to address in industrial sites and airports, in order to get unlimited flexibility to capitalize on
the whole 5G enterprise segment and expand existing business capabilities and emerging monetization models and
implement changes on CSPs’ side. provide businesses with new services and services beyond connectivity while
functions unavailable in other systems. balancing operational efficiency in the
Strategies to Advance B2B for Revenue In this case, CSPs would act as service increasingly complex environment. It also
Growth enablers handling systems integration, covers the entire revenue management
Improving B2B for revenue growth requires platforms, and data management. These process and is ready to work with any
focusing on three primary aspects: end-to- offerings could be interesting for the Middle telecom services, digital subscriptions, or
end B2B solutions, long-term partnerships, East, where power and manufacturing third-party products and bundles.
and B2B2X offering. enterprises are looking for their own
wireless infrastructure. In particular, Allied Positioning Telcos for the B2B Future
First, CSPs should advance the total Market Research predicts that the Middle During the last few years, B2C data are being
experience provided to their B2B segment East market for private networks (including considered as a commodity with declining
by simplifying and automating processes hybrid networks) will reach $144 million by revenues due to the high competitiveness
used for delivering services to businesses. 2028. among CSPs and the steadily shrinking
They should act as digital service providers international voice market. It has become
by offering end-to-end B2B solutions that Most significantly, private 5G networks clear that the B2B market is the only high
include infrastructure services and digital have already proven their effectiveness for potential market for telcos. To thrive in this
platforms. Moreover, CSPs will need to businesses requiring high reliability and low market, CSPs should develop an efficient
ease and speed up the order processing latency of services, such as smart factories and focused B2B investment strategy and
for B2B clients and ensure the absence and smart manufacturing. 5G-enabled new offering schemes with innovative,
of any errors during the sales procedure. technologies’ use cases are especially competitive, and personalized products
It is also necessary to provide appropriate impactful in projects related to predictive and enhanced business support system
reactivity and complete transparency in the maintenance, digital twins, self-driving environments.
after-sales processes, such as dedicated machines, augmented reality, autonomous
customer care, transparent billing, and mobile robots, and others. For example, At this stage of 5G deployment, with stand-
invoicing and collection processes. Ford utilizes 5G to improve communication, alone networks emerging throughout
safety of the manufacturing process, and the region, CSPs could provide industry-
Besides, the total end-to-end experience quality of products and services. With the defining services and capitalize on enabling
provided to B2B clients can be advanced help of 5G, the company has successfully enterprises to harness such network
with Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), reduced delays, achieved wider bandwidth, capabilities quickly and easily. The more
a type of network architecture employing and improved security and reliability at its businesses see value and monetization
cloud computing and an IT service factory. opportunities in 5G, the more telecom
environment at the network’s edge. MEC operators benefit from these services.
transfers mobile network processing AR running on 5G networks could also