Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 11


                                 The State of Broadband Report 2022

        Innovative Mechanisms and Instruments to Unlock Access to Capital to
        Support Telecom Operators

        The  BBCom’s  WG on 21st  Century   We are at a critical point in time, where immediate action is
        Financing,  Funding,  and  Investment
        Models  for  Bridging  Broadband   required to eliminate the most pressing issues with regard to
        Connectivity  Gaps,  chaired  by   the provision of meaningful universal access to connectivity.
        SAMENA  Council,  has  identified   In  this  regard, SAMENA  Council  is exploring  innovative
        the  need for  fundamental  paradigm
        shifts  that  require,  among others,  to   mechanisms and instruments to unlock access to capital to
        broaden  the  base  of contributors.   support telecom operators.
        One   innovative  way  to  move
        forward  with  implementation  of  this   This  example  of private  partnership  can   2. Making  smarter  investments  and  thus  a
        recommendation is  to create  new   be  designed  to  fulfil  (i)  financing  needs  for   move away from “funding” (out of a moral
        partnerships  and  bring  together the   initiatives  and  telecom  projects  that  are   imperative)  to  “financing”,  which  is  more
        telecom  and  the  banking/financial   aligned with the SDGs and aligned with the UN   commercially  grounded and relates  to
        services industries  to create an   Broadband  Commission’s  recommendations,   making good investments, while contributing
        innovative  instrument  such  as  a   and  with  the  private  sector’s  investment   to socio-economic development; and
        “Broadband Bond”. Such a Broadband   needs; (ii) investor diversification goals within   3. Collaboration  between  governments,
        Bond  could be  built  on  the  general   the telecoms and financial services industries;   commercial  banks,  development  finance
        principle  of  bond-financing,  whereby   and (iii) common goals of sustainable, “green”,   institutions  (DFIs)  and  the  private  sector
        an issuer may raise capital by selling   and  citizen-centric imperatives.  In  summary,   to  meet  funding  gaps  is  increasing,
        a “low-interest  debt  instrument”   the new instrument is built on the premises of:  including  through  blended  finance  or  the
        to investors on the  open  market.   1. Using a combination of monetary and non-  strategic  use  of  development  finance  to
        Because bond financing carries longer   monetary, or in-kind, contributions, based on   mobilize additional finance for sustainable
        maturity and  the  risk  lies  primarily   project needs and the various strengths of   development in developing countries.
        with  the  issuer  (banks),  such a risk   collaborative financing;
        profile offers an attractive investment
        profile for telecom operators to carry
        out infrastructure expansion (e.g. rural
        areas),  Capex  debt  re-financing  or
        procurement  of additional  spectrum.
        The  capital  market,  overall,  provides
        the  ability  to tap  new  investors
        and  offers structural  advantages.
        Partnerships  with  capital  market
        stakeholders,  in  turn,  enable  access
        to a new class of investors around
        the  globe. In this  context, the
        Broadband Bond approach is befitting
        recommendation No 1: Broadening the
        base of contributors and can serve as
        a major source of liquidity for ongoing
        and future financing needs of various
        industries, including telecoms.

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