Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 119


        Marlink Boosts Its Smart Network Solutions  for Maritime  and  Enterprise

        Customers with Starlink

        The global leading managed service provider for business-critical   services globally. Under the agreement, Marlink and OmniAccess
        communication  networks and  digital  solutions  adds  Starlink’s   will act as global “authorized Starlink integrators” for maritime and
        high-speed, low-latency solution to its services Oslo, Paris, Palma   enterprise customers. Marlink’s integration of Starlink with existing
        de  Mallorca, 22  September  2022.  Marlink,  the  smart  network   highly  reliable  VSAT,  LTE  (4G/5G)  and  terrestrial  connectivity
        solutions  company,  has  added  SpaceX’s  Starlink  service to its   solutions will result in a seamless user experience. Marlink and
        offerings,  strengthening  its  connectivity  solutions  portfolio  for   OmniAccess  will  orchestrate  the  different  connectivity  paths  to
        maritime  and  enterprise  customers. As  experts  and  pioneers  in   provide  their  extensive  global  customer base  with  unmatched
        satellite communication  solutions, Marlink  and OmniAccess  will   communications network solutions  that  will  substantially
        leverage Starlink – a high-speed, low-latency broadband internet   improve  customers’  business-critical  applications,  passenger
        service enabled by a constellation of satellites in Low Earth Orbit   communications, and  crew and  remote  workers’  welfare.  “This
        – to complement their portfolio of smart network solutions and   ability  to utilize Starlink  is  giant step  in  our  strategy  to provide
                                                               our customers with the best-in-class user experience, combining
                                                               our industry-leading GEO satellite connectivity solutions with the
                                                               next  generation  LEO  high-speed,  low-latency  services,”  said  Erik
                                                               Ceuppens, CEO, Marlink Group. “We are looking forward to working
                                                               with  SpaceX to integrate  Starlink  as  part  of our smart  network
                                                               solutions, creating a superior global connectivity service for our
                                                               extensive  maritime and  enterprise  customer  base  across  the
                                                               world.” “Adding Starlink to its offerings will bring a new dimension
                                                               of connectivity to Marlink’s global  customer  base,” said  SpaceX
                                                               Vice  President  of Starlink  Sales  Jonathan  Hofeller.  “This  low-
                                                               latency, high-bandwidth broadband experience will allow enterprise
                                                               and maritime customers to manage their remote businesses more
                                                               efficiently than ever before.”

        Xtendnet to Offer Satellite Broadband for UK and Europe

        A multi-national group of satellite and telecom veterans from the   and television now rely on broadband connectivity,” said Mooney,
        US, UK and mainland Europe have launched a challenger satellite   who hinted that a resolution is finally at hand. “Our service uses a
        broadband service Xtendnet  for underserved businesses  and   satellite download to immediately remedy this challenge for users
        consumers in Europe. The UK service is to be officially launched at   throughout the UK and Ireland; simply point a dish, install a router
        trade show Connected Britain as the start-up targets mobile network   and we can provide almost anyone an immediate upgrade, bridging
        operators, internet service providers and a significant percentage   the digital divide,” said Mooney. The success of Xtndnet hinges on
        of  the  population  that  fixed  lines  cannot  reach.  The  service  is   its ability to create a sales channel to fulfil the latent demand. “We
        connected  to  Arabsat’s  BADR-7  high-throughput satellite  and   are excited to show easy it can be for ISPs to extend their service
        based on Forsway’s Xtend system. XtndNet promises users 50 Mb   offering to rural, underserved areas – with no investment required,”
        download speeds. The XtndNet service is available now in the United   said Mooney. Xtendnet is offering ‘zero-Capex access’ platform,
        Kingdom and Ireland, and will expand to Germany, Scandinavia, the   available immediately and it will back its channel with marketing,
        Baltics and Africa in 2023. According to UK market regulator Ofcom   technical and operational support to launch their local services.
        there are at least 100,000 under- connected locations in the British   XtndNet provides individual wholesale satellite broadband internet
        isles, with under three Mbps and no other options for an affordable,   access services to resellers, such as DSL providers, which can be
        fast and reliable broadband connection. Many say this could be a   white labelled. BADR-7, also known as Arabsat-6B, was produced
        very low estimate, as homes in urban areas are underserved by   by Airbus Defence and Space-led consortium EADS Astrium, with
        Britain’s  two main  broadband  providers.  There  is  a  widespread   Thales  Alenia  Space designing  and  building  the  spacecraft’s
        suspicion that the number of town dwellers who live too far from   communications payload. The satellite was the 6th satellite within
        a BT exchange is an unreported story. The alternative broadband   the Arabsat fleet and its 15 year life expectancy comes to an end
        supplier is one of the most complained about service providers   in 2030. It operates at the orbital position of 26 degrees East. The
        in  Britain.  There are  more  than  100,000  households  throughout   satellite  uses  several  gateway locations, which are all  based  in
        the  UK without  an  adequate  broadband  connection,  according   Europe. The Gateways bridge terrestrial broadband services with
        to Travis Mooney, CEO at XtndNet. “Those people are left behind   the satellite via ground stations using Ka (18-40 Ghz spectrum)
        as  everything  from  government services to grocery shopping   and Ku band (of 12-18 GHz).

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