Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 134


        Cloud Carib Signs Memorandum Of Understanding with CTU

        The   Caribbean   Telecommunications  regional  governments.  The  signing  took   protect  the  future  generations  yet  born,”
        Union (CTU) signed  a memorandum of   place  at  a  press  conference  during  the   Cloud  Carib  Chief  Executive  Officer  Scott
        understanding  (MoU)  with  Bahamian-  CTU/ICT Conference held at Margaritaville   MacKenzie  said during yesterday’s  press
        based  cloud service provider Cloud Carib   Beach  Resort.  Officials  said  the  issue  of   conference.  “This  MoU is  simply  one
        for cyber security and other information and   cyber security  has  become even  more   member’s  commitment  to the  member
        communication technology (ICT) services.   important  as  governments  move  their   states, that there is a company dedicated
        Specifically,  the  MoU  provides  for  the   services online.  “We, all  members of the   to the region’s vision of a single ICT space
        creation of a single ICT space by delivering   CTU, should be  driven  to protect  future   and  our business  is  focused on  realizing
        sovereign  cloud, data  residency, data   generations. And how we build protection   that  vision  with  each  member state
        sovereignty, mission  critical  services  and   for future generations is by driving a hyper   before  2030.  The  CTU is  our vehicle  of
        cyber security in support of member states,   competitive market  and envisioning  not   collaboration and if this event has proven
        in support of the digital transformation of   the  services  of today, but those  that  will   anything  to me, it  is  the  commitment of
                                                                                 member states  to  realize  the  vision  and
                                                                                 not  only  discuss  and  debate  change,  but
                                                                                 act and prove to the citizens and peoples
                                                                                 of the region that we can make it happen
                                                                                 before 2030.” In addition to cyber security,
                                                                                 other matters being addressed during this
                                                                                 week’s conference include fintech and how
                                                                                 to digitize money in the region. “Tomorrow
                                                                                 we will  hold a ministerial  seminar, where
                                                                                 members will  be  brought  up  to  date  on
                                                                                 some of the trends in ICT including 5G and
                                                                                 the  forecast  for the  region  over  the  next
                                                                                 three to five years. We will also discussion
                                                                                 new  satellite  technology  that  will  help  to
                                                                                 bridge  that  digital  connectivity  gap,” CTU
                                                                                 Secretary General Rodney Taylor said.

        ZTE, China Mobile Test 5G NTN Solution

        Chinese  vendor ZTE, full-service provider
        China Mobile and the China Transport Tele-
        communications  and Information Group,
        have  showcased  what  they  claim  is  the
        world’s  first  field  trial  5G  Non-Terrestrial
        Network (NTN)  technology  at  the  5G-Ad-
        vanced  Industry  Development  Summit in
        Beijing.  The  trials  demonstrated  services
        such  as  short  messages  and  voice  ser-
        vices, with performance meeting expecta-
        tions. As such, the satellite-based solution
        was  considered  ‘very  likely  feasible’  and
        would be used in emergency communica-
        tion service pilot projects in Beijing, Yunnan   based  on the  3GPP  R17  and  was based   were responsible for air-interface message
        and  other  provinces.  The  trial  comprised   on a network architecture using  high-or-  transmission.  The  terrestrial  gateways
        a  series  of tests  of the  direct  connection   bit  satellite  for  transparent  forwarding  to   were interconnected with the 5G NTN base
        between  a handset  and  satellite,  which   implement  end-to-end  link  interconnec-  station. The terminal was connected to the
        the  operators  claim  provides  support  for   tion among terminals, satellites, terrestrial   terrestrial  core  network  and  service  plat-
        ubiquitous connection, more  use  cases,   gateways,  base  stations,  core  networks,   form through  the  satellite,  gateways,  and
        integrated industry chains and low operat-  and  service  servers.  The  L-band  satellite   NTN base station in turn to implement end-
        ing and maintenance costs. Regarding the   and terrestrial gateways – located between   to-end service interconnection.’
        NTN solution, ZTE explained: ‘The trial was   the  NTN  terminal  and  the  base  station  –

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