Page 155 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        The  number  of customers of telecom  operators in  the  country   operator, BTRC has recently allowed Grameenphone to sell unused
        continued to decline  in  August, as per the  latest  data  from   pre-approved old numbers that were not in operation for over 450
        Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).   days. (October 13, 2022)
        As per the data from the regulator, the total number of customers
        in the country dropped by about 500,000 in August to 183.5 million.   The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
        The country’s top operator Grameenphone alone lost about 950,000   (BTRC) has recently directed International Internet Gateway (IIG)
        customers in August, taking its subscriber base from 84 million to   service  providers  to  disconnect  bandwidth  connections  of 316
        83.1  million.  Grameenphone  lost  another  800,000  customers in   internet  service providers  (ISPs)  for not  renewing  licenses  and
        July, losing about 0.17 million customers in the last two months.   not taking approval of tariffs before rolling out their services. In
        However, the country’s other two operators — Robi and Banglalink   Bangladesh, the IIG service providers enable the ISPs to cater to end
        —  added  about  200,000  and  300,000  customers respectively  in   consumers through the exchange of data without the ISPs having
        August while state-run operator Teletalk's figures remained almost   to go through networks in other countries. However, Md Emdadul
        unchanged  at  6.7  million.  However,  the  number of customers   Hoque, president of the Internet Service Provider Association of
        gained  by  the  other  two  private  operators  was  not  sufficient  to   Bangladesh, told The Daily Star yesterday that 40 per cent of the
        cover  the  number  of customers  lost  by  Grameenphone  in  July   ISPs have already regained their connections as they have already
        and August. According to sources, the mobile subscribers in the   got tariff approvals and applied for renewing licenses. Of the ISPs,
        country continued to decline in August after the regulator banned   228 did not take approval of tariffs, 84 did not renew licenses and
        Grameenphone from selling new SIMs at the end of June citing its   4  did  neither, according  to BTRC  documents. According  to the
        inability to provide quality service and high frequency of call drops.   Regulatory and  Licensing  Guideline  for  ISP in  Bangladesh,  the
        In the two months, the country's mobile subscribers base dropped   ISPs must renew their licenses every 5 years and the licensee has
        by 900,000 regardless of customer gains by the other operators.   to obtain an approval of tariffs before rolling out a service. The
        However,  on  a  year-on-year  basis,  operator subscribers  in  the   telecom  regulator also  warned that  if  the  IIG  service providers
        country still have been decent. On a year-on-year basis, the number   enabled  any new connection to the  316,  legal  steps  would be
        of customers of Robi increased by 5.2% to 54.9 million in August,   taken as per the telecom act. "We have already disconnected the
        while the number of subscribers of Banglalink rose by about 4.7%   bandwidth  connections,"  said  Aminul  Hakim,  CEO  of IIG  service
        on a year-on-year basis in June to about 38.7 million. Despite the   provider BD  HUB.  The  ISPs  can resume  their  service renewing
        recent fall, the number of subscribers of Grameenphone remained   their licenses, said Subrata Roy Maitra, vice chairman of the BTRC.
        almost unchanged year-on-year in August, retaining its position as   In early July, the BTRC had directed the IIG service providers to
        the market leader, accounting for 45.30% of the market share based   disconnect bandwidth connections of 286 ISPs for not converting
        on subscribers. Insiders said the overall growth in the number of   their licenses into some categories in accordance with guidelines.
        subscribers has slowed down in the industry, but it is expected to   There are about 2,000 ISPs in Bangladesh.
        gain momentum again once the ban on Grameenphone SIM sales   (September 30, 2022)
        is lifted. It is also noteworthy that, despite the ban on the telecom


        The telecom regulator National Telecommunications  Regulatory   the Egyptian African Telecom Regulatory Center’s (EG-ATRC) third
        Authority  (NTRA)  has  announced  an  increase  in  daily  use  of   training session have commenced today. EG-ATRC is held in line
        mobile internet services by 46 percent during the summer of 2022   with NTRA’s plan to build African cadres in telecommunications
        compared with the same period in 2021. The number of mobile   as  well  as  exchange  experiences,  technical  and  commercial
        internet users rose by about 9.4 million. The NTRA said in its report   practices with African counterparts in telecom authorities. It also
        that rates of fixed internet use increased by 32 percent and that   comes in  line  with  the  Government’s  instructions  to reinforce
        the number of fixed internet users grew by about 904,000.   mutual  relations  with  African countries.  Training  topics  to  be
        (October 5, 2022) The Daily News                       embarked  upon in  EG-ATRC’s  third session  are type  approval
                                                               and smart cities, as the African governments seek to maximize
        Held by the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of   the  utilization  of Egypt’s smart city modules; like the  New
        Egypt (NTRA) from September 18th to September 22nd, and with   Administrative Capital and the City of New Alamein, etc. To this
        the participation of 7 African and Arab countries, proceedings of   end,  the  session’s  agenda  provides  opportunities  for seamless

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