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        more,” he said.  Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure,   in 6G is the patents held related to the standards, and said, "With
        Dr. Ömer Fatih Sayan also gave a speech. Sayan, stating that the   this vision, we will continue to work as a group that is ready to
        communication sector is undergoing a rapid change, said that they   make 6G patents in our local, national and R&D studies."
        prioritize locality and nationality in the communication ecosystem.   (September 19, 2022)
        Sayan stated that apart from physical products, the biggest capital

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        UAE's  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government  Regulatory   organizations  improve their  own performance  and objectives
        Authority  (TDRA)  announced  the  launch  of the  800  Toll-free   as well as develop their respective human resources. TDRA will
        Number Portability service from one service provider to another,   utilize  the  integrated  services provided  by the  EFQM  to better
        while ensuring that the number remains the same. The move is to   equip its own teams to drive excellence and cultural change and
        enhance competition between the telecom service providers, and   transformation,  thereby  delivering  performance improvements
        expanding  the  range  of options  for customers.The  new service   and benefits to TDRA, its staff and clients. Commenting on this
        gives  companies that  have been  assigned  a toll-free  number   membership, H.E. Mohammad  Al Kitbi,  Deputy  Director General
        the option to retain the number and change the service provider,   of the Support Services Sector at TDRA, said: “TDRA is keen to
        allowing them to experience services  provided by  both telecom   establish  partnerships  and  cooperate  with  key leading  global
        providers in the UAE without the need to change the free phone   organizations  in various related  work  areas, with  the  aim of
        number  used by the  company.  TDRA  had launched the  Fixed   sharing  success stories, conducting benchmarks, and  utilizing
        Number Portability service in 2021, where more than 12,000 fixed   the  latest  global  managerial/administrative  and  occupational/
        numbers have been ported between service providers since the   professional  systems  in  the  development  of  TDRA's  ways and
        service release.  The  Fixed  Number Portability  service and  Toll-  methods of work, in addition to cadre qualification and training.”
        free Number Portability service are a continuation of the Mobile   His Excellency added: TDRA’s membership in the EFQM will give
        Number  Portability  service launched  by  TDRA  in  2013,  through   us  an  opportunity  to access  the  updated  EFQM  2020  Model  to
        which more than 2 million numbers were ported. Commenting on   develop work  mechanisms  and  implement  best  international
        these services, Eng. Mohammed Al Ramsi, TDRA Deputy Director   practices across all our operations. The EFQM Excellence Model
        General for the Telecom Sector, said: “Through the launch of the   aligns  with  our commitment to  consolidate  TDRA’s  pioneering
        number portability service in its mobile, fixed and toll-free forms,   position  comprehensively.  For us  all  at  TDRA,  excellence  is  a
        we aim to enhance  competition  between  service providers  to   daily  work  program  that  we  pursue  according  to  specific  and
        provide the  best  services and  offers.”  TDRA  highlighted  that   well-thought-out strategies and plans, in which all our staff carry
        number portability requires the customer to follow certain steps,   them out in a positive work environment that raises individual and
        including paying the bills due with the current service provider, and   corporate efficiency and institutionalizes a culture of excellence
        the number must not be partially or fully disconnected. After the   based  on  total  quality  management  and  sustainable  excellence
        porting process is completed, the customer will be given a grace   standards,  bringing  happiness  to customers and  society  as  a
        period  for  settling  his/her  contractual  financial  obligations  and   whole.”  The  EFQM  is  an  innovative,  not-for-profit  organization,
        paying the applicable due fees. (October 30, 2022)  fusing  data-driven  insights,  curated  learning  and  development
                                                               and networking opportunities for the benefit of organizations and
        The  Telecommunications &  Digital  Government  Regulatory   individuals worldwide. EFQM aids stakeholders to grow, improve
        Authority (TDRA) attained membership in the European Foundation   work  methods  and  follow a common  management  philosophy
        for Quality Management (EFQM), through which TDRA will support   among thousands of people all around the world.
        the implementation of EFQM’s leading approach, aimed at enabling   (September 14, 2022)


        Yemen’s  Sana’a-based  Houthi  government  has  announced  the   in  Amran.  Saba News  writes  that  the  projects  will  cost around
        launch of several projects aimed at expanding and developing the   YER4 billion (USD16 million), although no specific details of the
        communications infrastructure  of several  state-owned  entities   programmes were published. Unveiling the projects, Minister for
        in  Amran  governorate,  namely:  fixed  line  operator  the  Public   Telecommunications and ICT Misfer al-Numair was cited as saying
        Telecommunications Company (PTC); mobile provider Yemen   that the investment would improve communications services for
        Mobile Company; and the General Institute for Telecommunications   everyone in the province. (September 26, 2022)

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