Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 89


        97% Mobile Phones Used by Pakistanis Built Locally

        97  percent of the  mobile phones  used   localization of solar panels. The government   demand, he  continued,  “It  was  important
        by  Pakistanis  are  made  domestically,   is establishing a comprehensive policy for   to  seek  for alternatives  to  promote  and
        according  to Almas Haider, Chairman   the  solar business,  according  to federal   incentivize  local  manufacturing of solar
        of  the  Engineering  Development  Board   minister  for industries  and  production   panels and related equipment. The Minister
        (EDB).  Except for  one brand, all  mobile   Murtaza Mehmood. This policy calls for the   stated that by reducing charges and taxes
        phones are made in-country. At a session   conversion  of  agricultural  tube  wells  and   on  imported  solar  panels,  Pakistan  could
        on  alternative  energy  sources  hosted  by   public  buildings  to  solar  power.  A federal   begin  the  process of local manufacture
        the EDB and titled “Solar panel and allied   Minister  noted  that  a national  evaluation   with assembly in the first phase. Pakistan
        equipment  production  policies,”  he  made   indicated  that  Pakistan’s  demand  for   also  has  stockpiles  of essential  raw
        the  comments. A $1.25  million  order  for   solar energy (including off-grid  and on-  materials for producing solar wafers. After
        the  first  batch  of  mobile  phones  to  be   grid) was expected to be approximately 4   that, he said that a 5-year plan was required
        exported  has  been  placed with  EDB, he   GW in 2022 and to rise to about 6-7 GW in   to further  streamline  the  tax  and  tariff
        added. He stated that EDB is engaged in the   the following two years. With such a high   system in order to give local manufacturers
                                                                                 a level playing field. According to him, the
                                                                                 current administration wants to encourage
                                                                                 the  country’s  move towards  solar energy
                                                                                 by providing  incentives  like  tax  breaks
                                                                                 and  the  duty-free  import  of equipment
                                                                                 and  plants.  Furthermore,  according  to
                                                                                 Murtaza Mehmood, Pakistan’s solar sector
                                                                                 cannot compete with that  of China  since
                                                                                 solar panels  are produced  there more
                                                                                 cheaply. He urged the private sector to be
                                                                                 competitive in the global marketplace while
                                                                                 stating that the government is focused on
                                                                                 removing barriers for regional businesses.

        LIPTC Signs Agreement with Cisco

        Libya’s  state  telecoms  holding  company,   comes for the  purpose of accessing   telecommunications  services  through the
        LIPTC, signed  an  agreement  with  the   the  highest  technologies  that  benefit   Holding Company as well as its subsidiaries,
        American ITC giant Cisco. The agreement   the  telecommunications  sector in  the   whether  for mobile  services, Internet
        included several points, the most important   Libyan  market,  and  providing  the  highest   services and connectivity networks.
        of which are:
        1. Implementation of digital transformation
          and  data  automation  projects  in  joint
          cooperation between the two companies
          in  order  to  develop  a  specific  plan  and
          timetable  for  the  implementation  of
          these projects.
        2. Identifying some projects to achieve the
          2025  vision  of the  holding  company:
          smart citizen, smart companies, smart
          cities,  smart  countries; As well  as
          promoting the  services  provided  by
          telecommunications  companies  to  all
          Libyan sectors.
        3. Training  specialists  on  the  latest
          developments of Cisco, by providing the
          Libyan  Academy  of Communications
          and  Informatics  for accredited  training
        LIPTC  said  this  strategic  agreement

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