Page 158 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 158


                         signed on Monday 9 September and will enter force 30   The Polish government is planning to begin its auction
                         days later. Poland’s Parliament, the Sejm, agreed at the   of 5G-capable 3.5GHz licenses in December  2019 or
                         end of August to adopt the Mega Act after a number   January 2020, a report from says. The telecoms
                         of  amendments  were  introduced  over the past  few   regulator,  the  Office  of  Electronic  Communications
                         months. The Mega Act is designed to make it easier   (Urzad Komunikacji Elektronicznej, UKE), will offer four
                         for companies  to  roll  out broadband infrastructure   blocks, each of 80MHz,  in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  band,
                         by removing some of the existing administrative and   with two of these having nationwide coverage and the
                         legal barriers,  while also improving rights of access   other two being ‘supra-regional’ to exclude parts of the
                         in sensitive areas such as national parks and nature   country where the required frequencies are already in
                         reserves. Measures are also included to ease some of   use. With four licenses on offer and four main cellcos
                         the restrictions on emissions from radio signals, while   expected to participate, the auction is expected to be
                         a Broadband Fund will be established with an annual   over quickly, with the only battle being for nationwide
                         budget of PLN140 million (USD36 million) which will be   versus supra-regional  concessions.  UKE  intends  to
                         used to co-finance network deployments in rural areas.   allocate licenses to operators by 30 June 2020. (September
                         The improvements will help speed up network builds   4, 2019)
                         and also lead to lower rollout costs for operators, the
                         government has said. (September 11, 2019)  Gazeta Prawna

                         Russia’s State Commission  for Radio  Frequencies   to the government  by  the end  of September  and the
                         (SCRF) is  considering  holding  auctions for 5G   roadmap’s final draft will be submitted at the end of
                         spectrum  licenses  in the millimeter  wave (mmWave)   December. (September 20, 2019)  ComNews
                         25.25GHz-27.5GHz  range in  Q1  2020,  and will  make
        Russia           a  decision on the draft proposal in mid-October   Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told that
                                                                        limited frequencies within the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz spectrum
                         2019,  according to  information supplied  to  Russian
                         newspaper  Izvestia  by  Communications  Ministry   band could potentially be converted to 5G mobile usage
                         representative Evgeny Novikov and two other unnamed   in large cities, although the bulk of the band is likely to
                         federal/market sources. According to the draft, eleven   remain allocated to special satellite communications
                         mmWave frequency slots will be up for auction, with   for military/intelligence  usage. The  conversion  of
                         licenses valid for ten years. License coverage will be   the entire 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  band represents a  major
                         Federation-wide,  although  certain zones  will be  off-  obstacle  as  it  would involve replacement  of all  the
                         limits for 5G services, for instance five 5km zones in the   satellite equipment, Borisov noted. Meanwhile, Russia’s
                         Moscow region are reportedly being reserved for future   ‘big  four’  cellcos  MTS,  MegaFon,  Beeline  and  Tele2
                         Roscosmos satellite receiving stations. The report also   have agreed to work together on ‘clearing’ frequencies
                         notes  that  the methodology  for calculating  the cost   at 3.5GHz-3.8GHz for 5G network development, Tele2’s
                         of frequencies  has yet to be  established.  In related   parent Rostelecom’s president Mikhail Oseevsky told
                         news,  nationwide  fixed  network  operator  Rostelecom   reporters on the sidelines  of the Eastern Economic
                         and state corporation Rostec  have created  a council   Forum,  as  reported by ComNews. Russia’s draft
                         to implement the agreement they signed in July with   roadmap for the development of wireless technologies
                         the federal government  to  create a  ‘5G  roadmap’  for   says  that  clearance  of the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  and
                         the development of the technology in Russia. The 35   694MHz-790MHz bands for 5G should be completed
                         ‘preliminary targets’ of the roadmap will be submitted   in 2019-2022. (September 5, 2019) Daily Vedomosti

                         The Agency for Communications Networks & Services   at  fixed  locations’.  Alongside  this  the  watchdog  has
                         (Agencija za komunikacijska omrezja in storitve, AKOS)   opened a tender to find a directory services operator.
                         has invited applications for a universal service provider   State-backed Telekom Slovenije  and its  directories
                         ‘for connection  to a public  communications  network   subsidiary Teledat are the country’s current universal
                         and for access to publicly available telephone services   service providers. (September 23, 2019)

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