Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
P. 66



        Leveraging CPaaS to Deliver Superior Customer


        The  COVID-19  pandemic  of  2020  turbocharged  digital
        transformation  initiatives across enterprises  worldwide.  Even
        heavily  regulated sectors  like healthcare, government,  and
        banking embraced  digital communication  tools such  as  mobile
        apps, video, messaging services, and chatbots.

        The  shift  has  also  transformed  customer  behavior.  Customers
        now expect businesses to be ‘always on’ and available on their
        platform  of  choice.  The  trend  is  especially  true  for  Gen  Z  —  a
        generation  that  relies on digital solutions  (chat, messaging
        platforms, digital payments, and more) for everything.

           The  pandemic  exposed  the  shortcomings
           of human-capital-intensive customer care
           or  call centers.  As enterprises  digitized

           their customer support within weeks, they
           also realized the value of digital media and
           enriched  mobile  experiences.  The  world
           won’t go  back  to  the  way it  was before
           2020, and as such, enterprises must step
           up their customer engagement game.

        As  a  result,  communication  service  providers  (CSPs)  have  an
        opportunity.  They  can offer communications  platform-as-a-  Deshbandhu Bansal
        service (CPaaS) solutions for enterprises across sectors to build
        customer-centric experiences and boost engagement.      COO and Head of Messaging Solutions
                                                                Comviva Technologies
        The rise of CPaaS
        CPaaS solutions are cloud-based and let businesses add modern
        communication  channels  to  their  applications  via  APIs.  These
        include foundational channels like SMS, A2P, voice, and emerging
        channels like video, messaging apps (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram,
        WeChat, Apple Business chat, etc.), biometric security, and digital

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