Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - September 2021
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number of use cases already, but we need simplify content development, which is Third, the industry needs to get ready to go
to build more sustainable business cases." notoriously difficult and expensive. green. According to the World Economic
Forum, by 2030, digital technology can
He went on to speak of broader changes Second, telecom operators need to help reduce global carbon emissions
that will have a long-term impact on the enhance their networks and develop new by at least 15%. "On one hand," said Hu,
ICT industry, including accelerated digital capabilities to get ready for 5GtoB. A "we have a great opportunity to help all
transformation caused by the pandemic, strong network is key to 5G applications industries cut emissions and improve
how cloud and AI have become must-haves for industrial use, so operators need to power efficiency with digital technology.
for all organizations, and how the world keep making improvements to network On the other hand, we have to recognize
is taking climate change more seriously. capabilities such as uplink, positioning, that our industry has a growing carbon
"These trends provide many opportunities and sensing. As industrial scenarios footprint, and we have to take steps to
for our industry," he said. "But they also are much more complex than consumer improve that. Right now Huawei is using
create some challenges. There are a few scenarios, O&M can be a real challenge. new materials and algorithms to lower the
things we can do to get ready." To help, Huawei is developing autonomous power consumption of our products, and
networks that bring intelligence to all we're remodeling sites, and optimizing
First, the industry needs to get networks, aspects of 5G networks, from planning power management in our data centers for
devices, and content ready for explosive and construction to maintenance and greater efficiency."
growth in Extended Reality (XR). To support optimization.
a smooth cloud-based XR experience, "We have seen so many changes in the
networks need to provide download Digital transformation also requires past two years – with the pandemic,
speeds faster than 4.6 Gbit/s with latency different roles. In addition to providing technology, business and the economy," Hu
no greater than 10 milliseconds. "Last connectivity, operators can also serve concluded. "Moving forward, as the world
year," noted Hu, "we released our goals for as cloud service providers, systems begins to recover, we need to recognize the
5.5G. And we believe they will help address integrators, and more, and develop the opportunities in front of us and get ready
this challenge." requisite capabilities. To drive broader for them. Get our technology ready, get our
adoption of 5G in industries, developing businesses ready, and get our capabilities
On the device side, lowering barriers to industry-specific telecoms standards ready."
headset adoption is critical to reaching is also important. In China, operators,
a tipping point in virtual reality, one of together with their industry partners, have The Global Mobile Broadband Forum 2021
the key technologies in the Extended begun working on standards for applying is hosted by Huawei, together with its
Reality repertoire of AR, VR, and MR. 5G in industries like coal mining, steel, industry partners GSMA and the SAMENA
"To reach [this tipping point], we have to and electric power, and this has helped to Telecommunications Council. The forum
make improvements to both headsets fuel greater adoption within these sectors. gathers mobile network operators, vertical
and content. For headsets, people want "Beyond technology," concluded Hu, "these industry leaders, and ecosystem partners
devices that are smaller, lighter, and are some of the intangible strengths that from around the world to discuss how to
more affordable." To enrich the content won't provide immediate profit, but will be maximize the potential of 5G and push the
ecosystem, Hu called on the industry to key to long-term competitiveness in the mobile industry forward.
provide cloud platforms and tools that 5GtoB market."