Page 10 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 10
10 APRIL-JUNE 2024
that deliver high speeds and stable interference, which is especially
connections. Bolstered by 5G, FWA is relevant for apartment buildings. The popularization of FWA
becoming a key player in the market, A competitive edge is also seen in and the positive market
providing an alternative to traditional Tele2/Altel’s existing provision of 4G response have shown
DSL and FTTx connections and home internet. As 5G is deployed, demand surpassing
competing with GPON. FWA routers operate in adjacent expectations. Within four
areas, offering speeds 40-60% higher
The bias that cable internet is than standard 4G routers, thus months of launching the
more reliable is an obstacle to the ensuring access even in areas with FWA service, customer
widespread acceptance of FWA. unstable signals. preference for 5G
Nonetheless, experience shows that equipment accounted for
FWA's stability and speed are on par FWA primarily targets the suburban/ two-thirds of sales, despite
with cable counterparts, evidenced rural sector where cable laying is 5G coverage being less
by increased sales and reduced impractical or uneconomical. It's also
customer churn who have tried the convenient for rental housing and than 30% of households.
technology. Research indicates that apartment buildings. The benefits are Customer retention
Kazakh users primarily consume clear for traditional households, as doubled after three months
content at home, which affects speed well as those seeking mobility and of service, indicating the
characteristics and mobile internet the ability to quickly transfer internet potential for further quality
experience. services to new locations without improvements, and sales of
additional cabling costs, including
freelancers and small businesses. home internet connections
Mobile operators have the advantage have doubled from the
of extensive network expansion previous year.
experience, offering a scalable and
stable connection to an increasing
customer base against rising instance, a 50% discount campaign
consumption volumes. demonstrated economic viability
by generating sales that offset
The popularization of FWA and the the initial high cost of equipment.
positive market response have shown Innovative approaches to reducing
demand surpassing expectations. the initial price barrier include rental,
Within four months of launching the installment plans, and subsidies.
FWA service, customer preference for
5G equipment accounted for two- Moreover, Tele2/Altel's FWA
thirds of sales, despite 5G coverage technology integration becomes part
being less than 30% of households. of a broad ecosystem of services
Customer retention doubled after offered by the operator. Bundle deals
three months of service, indicating include additional services such as
the potential for further quality SIM cards for home internet routers
improvements, and sales of home and smartphones, access to over
internet connections have doubled 200 TV channels and multiple online
from the previous year. cinemas, the ability to connect
up to five devices simultaneously,
Tele2/Altel's primary goal is to and a single billing system, which
ensure the availability of the FWA simplifies subscription management
Stepan Glushkov, Converged Product service, which is easier to install and positions the service as a direct
Director, notes that modern FWA and often exceeds the quality of competitor to traditional fixed internet
equipment operating on dual-band traditional cable internet. The cost providers.
Wi-Fi frequencies—2.4 and 5 GHz— of equipment—a key barrier—is
offers higher data transmission being addressed through flexible Kazakhstan has tremendous potential
speeds and reduced device pricing strategies and discounts. For for FWA development, considering