Page 9 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 9



            and Advancing

            FWA in


            Strategy and

                                                                           Yevgeniya Bekbulatova
            Challenges                                                     Chief PR officer
                                                                           Tele2 (Kazakhstan)

        The 5G generation offers numerous    transmit the radio beam from one
        advantages over its predecessors.    base station to another. Therefore, a    Tele2/Altel is actively
        However, possessing the tool is one   clear disadvantage is the negative   developing Fixed Wireless
        thing; learning to profit from it is   impact of climatic factors and terrain   Access (FWA) technology,
        another. Currently, mobile operators   features on the signal. Nonetheless,   providing broadband
        face significant challenges in       its implementation is easier than     internet through wireless
        monetizing 5G.                       laying wired networks.
                                                                                       networks. Given the
        One of the few rapidly developing    Analysts from the Speedtest           specifics of Kazakhstan's
        areas that allows for business       Intelligence research division       telecom industry, FWA has
        scaling and generates revenue is     emphasize that Kazakhstan already     always been at the core of
        FWA, which stands for Fixed Wireless   has a significant customer base      the company's business
        Access, providing broadband through   equipped with 5G-capable devices—     model. With the advent
        cellular networks. The dynamics of   more than 53% of tests conducted       of 5G and its expanding
        development, growth in subscriber    nationwide in the fourth quarter of
        base, and revenue following          2023 were performed on devices       coverage, FWA is emerging
        the launch of FWA are highly         supporting the fifth-generation         as a vital alternative to
        encouraging for cellular companies.   network. Currently, Tele2/Altel is          cable internet.
        It is closely associated with the    saturating the market not only with
        development of the 5G standard.      affordable 5G smartphones but also
        Additionally, the rapid development   with routers that support the new   is emerging as a vital alternative to
        of Mobile Broadband (MBB) is closely   standard.                          cable internet.
        linked to social and economic growth.
        Thus, the Fixed-Wireless Access      Tele2/Altel is actively developing   Tele2/Altel sees significant potential
        (FWA) technology can play a key role   Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)        in FWA, particularly in areas where
        in expanding internet usage. In turn,   technology, providing broadband   broadband penetration is below 50%.
        telecom companies will implement     internet through wireless networks.   Considering the urban topography,
        innovations, develop their business,   Given the specifics of Kazakhstan's   fiber-optic operators are hindered by
        and increase profits.                telecom industry, FWA has always     high costs from fully expanding their
        For the use of FWA technology,       been at the core of the company's    networks. However, consumers are
        direct visibility and open spaces    business model. With the advent of   willing to invest in new technologies
        are important for the equipment to   5G and its expanding coverage, FWA

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