Page 27 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 27


        5G FWA Market Size to Grow by US$110.76B from 2024-2028

                                                                                 economies like the US and Canada.
                                                                                 The IT sector, a major contributor in
                                                                                 the US, is witnessing significant expan-
                                                                                 sion due to the increasing imple-
                                                                                 mentation of IoT technology, which
                                                                                 necessitates 5G FWA. Vendors in North
                                                                                 America, including Qualcomm Tech-
                                                                                 nologies, Inc., are actively innovating
                                                                                 and developing advanced 5G FWA
                                                                                 technologies to cater to this growing

                                                                                 The 5G FWA market is driven by
                                                                                 the integration of edge computing,
                                                                                 reducing latency and enhancing
                                                                                 performance in industries like tele-
                                                                                 com, commercial sector and urban
                                                                                 areas. Samsung, Verizon, T3 Broad-
                                                                                 band, Mercury Broadband and mobile
                                                                                 service providers leverage mmWave
        The global 5G fixed wireless access   ernment) Geography (North America,
                                                                                 spectrum for real-time applications,
        (FWA) market size is estimated to    Europe, APAC, Middle East and Africa,
                                                                                 such as AR/VR, autonomous vehicles
        grow by USD 110.76 billion from 2024-  South America)
                                                                                 and remote healthcare. Nokia and
        2028, according to Technavio. The
                                                                                 others enable efficient data handling
        market is estimated to grow at a     Market segmentation by Type
                                                                                 and quicker decision-making, fos-
        CAGR of 35.95 percent during the     The 5G FWA market represents a
                                                                                 tering wired broadband alternatives
        forecast period. Governments world-  significant growth area in global
                                                                                 for semi-urban demographies and
        wide drive 5G FWA investments        telecommunications, particularly for
                                                                                 global demand. Private 5G networks
        through smart city initiatives. Tele-  residential applications. This tech-
                                                                                 also emerge as pricing strategies for
        com industries, including Samsung    nology offers high-speed Internet
        and Nokia, collaborate. Fiber optics,   connectivity without the need for tra-
        broadband and telecommunication      ditional wired broadband infrastruc-
                                                                                 The 5G FWA market faces challenges
        networks are prioritized. In India, a   ture, catering to urban, suburban and
                                                                                 due to limited availability and compe-
        high-level forum suggests a vision   rural end-users. Benefits include low
                                                                                 tition for mmWave spectrum suitable
        for 5G India 2020, focusing on 5G    latency, enabling seamless stream-
                                                                                 for high-speed transmissions. Com-
        FWA, mmWave spectrum and urban       ing of high-definition video con-
                                                                                 panies like Samsung, T3 Broadband,
        areas. Global demand increases with   tent, online gaming and supporting
                                                                                 Mercury Broadband, Verizon, and
        semi-urban demographics, com-        multiple devices. FWA is an attractive
                                                                                 technology providers such as Nokia
        mercial sector and mobile service    alternative for households seeking
                                                                                 navigate complex licensing processes
        providers. Pricing strategies and wired   faster Internet speeds and flexibility. In
                                                                                 and infrastructure deployment in
        broadband alternatives are consid-   remote or underserved regions, it pro-
                                                                                 urban and semi-urban demogra-
        ered. Private 5G networks and tech-  vides a viable solution where laying
                                                                                 phies. Global demand for 5G FWA
        nology advancements are key.         fiber-optic cables may be impractical
                                                                                 exceeds resources, leading to pricing
                                             or cost-prohibitive.
                                                                                 strategies and regulatory hurdles.
        Segment Overview
                                                                                 Wired broadband alternatives and
        This 5G FWA market report extensively   Geography Overview
                                                                                 private 5G networks also impact
        covers market segmentation by Type   The 5G FWA market in North America
                                                                                 market dynamics.
        (Services, Hardware) Application (Res-  is experiencing robust growth, driven
        idential, Commercial, Industrial, Gov-  by enterprise adoption in developed
                                                                                                        SAMENA ELITE
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