Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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        will  include  a  new 85-mile  build that  will  connect  downtown
        Indianapolis  to the Illinois state line. For the second  phase  of
        this build, Facebook is partnering with the fiber company Zayo.
        Phase Two will head west from Indianapolis through Vigo, Clay,
        Putnam, Hendricks and Marion Counties. Both phases are slated
        to be complete by the end of 2021, at which time Indiana will have
        a fiber route via Facebook that spans the state from east to west.
        Michele  Kohler, strategic  sourcing  manager  at  Facebook,  told
        Fierce via email that Facebook sometimes leases existing fiber.
        “We take a pragmatic approach to solving connectivity and utilize
        many  different  methods,”  said  Kohler.  “If  there  is  existing  fiber
        available, our preference is to work with the partner to access it.
        To support our 3B+ users around the world takes a lot of network.
        We buy a lot from partners and where we need to, we build.” Kohler   that time, Facebook  said, “Unlike a retail telecommunications
        said Facebook has 13 data center locations in the U.S., and eight   provider, we will not be providing services directly to consumers.
        are operational. “We intend to allow third parties — including local   Our goal is to support the operators that provide such services to
        and regional  providers —  to purchase  excess capacity on our   consumers. We will reserve a portion for our own use and make
        fiber,” stated a Facebook blog today. “This capacity could provide   the excess available to others. This means you’ll start to see a
        additional network  infrastructure to  existing and emerging   Facebook  subsidiary, Middle Mile  Infrastructure, operating  as  a
        broadband providers, helping them extend middle-mile networks   wholesale provider (or, where necessary, as a telecommunications
        to many parts of the country, particularly in underserved rural   carrier). Asked if Facebook will be competing with long-haul fiber
        areas  near  our  fiber  backbones.”  Kohler  said  the  company  is   providers such as Lumen, Windstream and Zayo, Kohler said, “We
        currently engaged in discussions with third parties about leasing   build networks with the primary goal of meeting our own needs.
        opportunities  in  Indiana.  This  isn’t  Facebook’s  first  foray  into   Selling fiber is not our core business, and we view companies like
        building long-haul fiber in the United States. According to a 2019   those as partners. However, we want to help underserved areas
        blog  posting,  Facebook  built  a  200-mile  fiber  route  to  connect   and where we can leverage  underutilized  capacity to improve
        two of its data centers: one in New Mexico and one in Texas. At   connectivity through partners, we will.”

        Facebook Takes Another Step Towards Selling Wholesale Fiber Access

        Facebook said today that it will build a fiber   to build last-mile broadband networks, she   amount  of  fiber  required  to  connect  the
        network in Indiana to interconnect some of   said. The Facebook network options may   community  to the Facebook  network by
        its data centers. The company also noted   be particularly appealing to last-mile pro-  as much as 40 kilometers. Facebook plans
        that it will make capacity on that network   viders because  the networks connect  to   to offer both dark and lit fiber. The latter is
        available to communications service pro-  key traffic exchange points. The Facebook   expected  to be attractive for 10 Gbps  or
        viders. Where possible, Facebook purchas-  Indiana network will  span the state  from   100 Gbps backhaul connectivity to major
        es fiber connectivity from other companies   east to west along  Interstate 70, Kohler   network access points,  Kohler  noted.  To
        but sometimes is unable to find fiber suit-  explained. West of Indianapolis, the com-  promote  its  Indiana  fiber  network  plans,
        able to meet its needs and undertakes its   pany will use fiber from Zayo, but east of   Facebook created a 10-minute video that
        own network  construction,  explained Mi-  Indianapolis, the company will lay its own   includes  interviews  with  people  from the
        chele Kohler, Facebook business develop-  fiber.  “In  Indiana,  there  wasn’t  a  solution   Indiana Economic Development Corpo-
        ment manager for network investment, in   to go into Ohio,” Kohler explained. “It was   ration, the Indiana  City-County  Council,
        an interview with Telecompetitor. In 2019,   partly because  we require four paths of   Butler University, Indiana University and
        for example, the company  announced  a   diversity.” Facebook doesn’t factor in po-  other  organizations. The  video  likens ef-
        similar  fiber  network  build  between  Co-  tential sales to communications service   forts to improve broadband availability to
        lumbus,  Ohio  and  Ashburn,  Virginia.  At   providers  when  it  plans  its  fiber  builds,   interstate highway initiatives that began in
        that time, the company said it would offer   Kohler noted. But conversations with pro-  1956 and “completely transformed Ameri-
        excess capacity on that network to other   viders in advance of a network build have   can life.” “The same can be said of the in-
        service providers. That network is still un-  influenced  construction  decisions.  She   ternet,” the video explains, also noting that
        der construction and as a result, Facebook   noted,  for example,  that Facebook made   “broadband is your bank, your doctor, your
        has no announced fiber sales. But accord-  the decision to make microduct part of its   grocery store, your office, your school.” In
        ing to Kohler, “we’ve gotten a lot of interest   installation to make it easier to connect to   explaining Facebook’s role, the video notes
        and had  a  lot  of conversations.”  Among   the network at points along the way. This   that “every time we build a new data cen-
        those interested are wireline and wireless   approach eliminates the need for last-mile   ter, we lay a lot of fiber – fiber that benefits
        providers, companies looking for long-  providers to build fiber to a Facebook in-  everyone.”
        haul connectivity and companies looking   line  amplification  (ILA)  hut,  reducing  the

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