Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 82


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        NASA to Test Geosynchronous Satellite Laser at 1.2 Gbps

        NASA  is preparing  to conduct a Laser   future  crewed missions  to  the Moon and   Technology  Demonstration  Missions
        Communications  Relay Demonstration   Mars. The LCRD mission is led by NASA's   program,  part of the  agency's Space
        (LCRD)  that will  launch  on STPSat-6,   Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt,   Technology  Mission Directorate, and the
        the primary  spacecraft of the third   Maryland.  Partners  include  NASA's  Space Communications and  Navigation
        Space  Test Program (STP-3) mission   Jet Propulsion Laboratory  in  Southern   (SCaN) program  within the agency's
        for the Department of Defense.  STP-3  is   California and the MIT Lincoln Laboratory.   Human  Exploration  and  Operations
        scheduled  to  lift  off on a  United Launch   LCRD  is  funded  through  NASA's  Mission Directorate.
        Alliance  Atlas  V  551  rocket  Wednesday,
        June 23, from Space Launch Complex 41
        at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in
        Florida. The Laser Communications Relay
        Demonstration  will  use microwave-oven-
        size optical modules will send and receive
        data over infrared lasers at 1.2 Gbps from
        geosynchronous  orbit to Earth.  The  test
        will beam data between LCRD and optical
        ground stations located in Table Mountain,
        California,  and  Haleakalā,  Hawaii.  Later
        in its  mission, LCRD will  conduct optical
        communications  relay services with a
        future terminal on the International Space
        Station, which is expected to launch on a
        commercial resupply services mission in
        2022.  These  operations  could  prove the
        viability of using laser communications in

        ITU Okays Serbian Orbital Position & Radio Frequency Channels

        The   International  Telecommunication  –  Appendix  30B  and  the  Broadcasting-  FSS  Plan  (Appendix 30B)  and BSS  Plan
        Union (ITU) has accepted the proposal of   Satellite Service  and Associated Feeder   (Appendices  30&30A)  is  of  significance
        a  single  orbital position  of 26.7  degrees   Link Allotment Plan – Appendices 30&30A.   primarily  because  of  the  financial  effect,
        West and the frequency channels of future   The Republic of Serbia, as an ITU member   whether  the  Republic  of Serbia wants to
        satellite networks of the Republic of Serbia   state, is  entitled to the assignment   set up its own satellite in the foreseeable
        for the FSS (Fixed Satellite Service) and BSS   of geostationary  satellite orbits and   future or wishes to lease its resources to
        (Broadcast Satellite  Service). According   corresponding  radio frequency channels,   another entity," said the release. "It is far
        to a  press release from the Regulatory   as  well as  having its future satellite   more affordable to set up one satellite for
        Agency  for Electronic Communications   network registered in the appropriate   the whole frequency  spectrum assigned
        and Postal Services (RATEL), the Republic   plan (without any  time  obligation as  to   to the FSS Plan  (Appendix  30B) and the
        of Serbia  did not have  an  assigned   the putting into  operation  of  the  satellite   BSS  Plan  (Appendices  30&30A)  (800
        allocation earlier,  but there was  a  shared   network). The new network of the Republic   MHz + 270 MHz), instead of two satellites
        orbital position  of 43.04  degrees East   of Serbia has an orbital position of 26.7ºW   for two separate orbital positions  and
        for all  countries  of  the region  (allocated   and a frequency band of 800 MHz, and the   corresponding  frequency  bandwidths,
        to the former  state of SFR Yugoslavia).   new network SRB_BSS in the Appendices   taking  into account that  the equipment
        According  to the Radio Regulations,   30&30A Plan is assigned the same orbital   price  and launching  costs per satellite
        certain  radio frequency  bands,  allocated   position  26.7ºW, with  a  frequency band   are in the range of 200 to 400 million US
        to the satellite service,  are used  for the   of 270  MHz.  "The acceptance of our   dollars," it added.
        development  of  satellite  Plans,  namely:   proposal by  the  ITU  and assignment of
        the Fixed-Satellite Service Allotment Plan   one  same orbital position  for both  the

                                                                                                    82  APRIL-MAY 2021
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87