Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 84


        Lockheed Martin Space Launches New ISR Satellites

        Lockheed  Martin  (NYSE: LMT) has    satellites fully integrate  space ISR with   to better employ space-based capabilities.
        introduced a new line of rapid, integrated   the warfighting platforms and weapons of   Lockheed  Martin  is  also  developing  and
        and   affordable  tactical  Intelligence,  other domains to shorten the find-fix-finish   building  10  space vehicles over  the next
        Surveillance and  Reconnaissance (ISR)   kill  chain. For persistent  ISR capabilities,   two  years  for the Space  Development
        satellites.  These satellites, based on   “at scale” means larger constellations and   Agency’s (SDA) Transport Layer Tranche
        Lockheed  Martin’s LM  400 mid-size bus,   rapid satellite production and deployment.   0, cited  as  the backbone  of JADC2,
        enable tactical warfighters to track moving   Lockheed  Martin’s  new high-capacity   enabling even more connectivity between
        targets at  long  ranges and  operate in   Gateway Center satellite manufacturing   ISR  and  warfighters.  “Digital  engineering
        contested  and denied  environments —   facility  supports  accelerated  space  and manufacturing are accelerating our
        on compressed  timelines at  the scale of   vehicle  production,  assembly  and  ability  to deploy  robust,  future-focused
        battle. Based on flight-proven and mature   testing  in  a  single,  flexibly  configured   constellations  that feature leading-edge
        components,  an  open  architecture, and a   space, accommodating multiple security   technology  for our customers’  missions,”
        highly produceable design, the affordable   classification  levels.  The  LM  400-based   said Rick Ambrose,  executive vice
        LM 400 satellite bus forms the backbone   tactical ISR satellites will play a key role in   president of Lockheed Martin Space.
        of this needed capability across a variety   Joint All-Domain  Command and  Control
        of emerging mission areas.  These    (JADC2)  by  allowing  tactical  warfighters

        Semtech and  EchoStar  Mobile  to Test  Satellite IoT Connectivity  Service

        Integrated with LoRaWAN

        Semtech Corporation and EchoStar Mobile   Director  of Commercial Operations at   power wide area  networks (LPWANs),
        have announced the launch of an initiative   EchoStar  Mobile. “New LoRa satellite   recently expanded the LoRaWAN protocol to
        to test satellite connectivity  services   services are expected  to bring lower   include Long Range – Frequency Hopping
        enabled  by  the LoRaWAN  protocol. “With   price points to  the market, opening   Spread Spectrum  (LR-FHSS)  data  rates.
        our technology collaborator, Semtech, and   up a  larger  addressable  opportunity   LR-FHSS extends the LoRaWAN protocol’s
        as a new member of the LoRa Alliance®,   across  key  industries  including  logistics,   support  to enable direct data  links  from
        we are excited to explore the use of next-  asset tracking, transportation, utilities,   end nodes to satellites by leveraging either
        generation LoRaWAN network technology   agriculture, and maritime.” The LoRa   the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM)
        to  bring  new satellite-based connectivity   Alliance,  an  open,  non-profit  global   unlicensed band, or, in the case of EchoStar
        services  to the Internet  of Things (IoT)   association  that develops,  maintains and   Mobile, through licensed spectrum, which
        market,” said  Telemaco  Melia,  Senior   promotes the LoRaWAN protocol  for low   provides a differentiated service versus the
                                                                                 ISM band. LR-FHSS can support millions
                                                                                 of end nodes  and delivers a new level of
                                                                                 robustness for IoT services. “It’s estimated
                                                                                 that  only 10% of  the world’s  surface has
                                                                                 terrestrial  connectivity. Semtech’s  LoRa®
                                                                                 devices integrated with  LR-FHSS allow
                                                                                 satellites  to  connect  IoT  devices in  the
                                                                                 vast  remote areas  around the  globe to
                                                                                 enable  IoT solutions  with  an unmatched
                                                                                 continuum of coverage and performance,”
                                                                                 said Marc Pegulu,  vice president  of
                                                                                 IoT  product marketing and strategy for
                                                                                 Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products
                                                                                 Group.  “Our work with EchoStar  Mobile
                                                                                 and LoRa Alliance  members  is expected
                                                                                 to achieve complementary  satellite and
                                                                                 terrestrial LoRaWAN network connectivity
                                                                                 services for customers who require global
                                                                                 coverage from land to sea to air.”

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