Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 90


        Globe Considering Satellites as Way to Bridge Digital Divide

        Turkey’s  new communications  satellite   service, it will cover Turkey and Europe, the   thanks to the  electric  propulsion system,
        Turksat 5A has entered into orbit at 31° East,   Middle East, North Africa,  Mid-West and   he said.  He  went  on to  say  that  Turkey's
        said the country's transportation minister   South Africa as well as the Mediterranean,   communication   satellite   traffic   will
        said recently.  With a  30-year lifetime,   Aegean,  and the Black  Sea,  he  noted.  He   increase in the future. "We aim to launch
        Turkey's  fifth-generation  satellite  was   said the satellite will push Turkey into the   the Turksat  5B communication satellite,
        launched by technology company SpaceX   league of nations using the advanced Ku-  which is nearing the end in its production
        in January. "Turksat 5A will have a month-  Band in television broadcasting and data   processes, into space in the fourth quarter
        long test run and become operational after   communication services. The satellite can   of this year." As of Jan. 8, 2021, the number
        June,"  Adil Karaismailoglu told Anadolu   serve  the  fields  of  TV  broadcasting  and   of  active  Turkish  satellites  in  Earth  orbit
        Agency.  When the satellite is  put into   communication  for more than  30  years   has reached seven.

        Turkish 5A Satellite Enters into Orbit At 31° East

        Turkey’s  new communications  satellite   service, it will cover Turkey and Europe, the   thanks to the  electric  propulsion system,
        Turksat 5A has entered into orbit at 31° East,   Middle East, North Africa,  Mid-West and   he said.  He  went  on to  say  that  Turkey's
        said the country's transportation minister   South Africa as well as the Mediterranean,   communication   satellite   traffic   will
        said recently.  With a  30-year lifetime,   Aegean,  and the Black  Sea,  he  noted.  He   increase in the future. "We aim to launch
        Turkey's  fifth-generation  satellite  was   said the satellite will push Turkey into the   the Turksat  5B communication satellite,
        launched by technology company SpaceX   league of nations using the advanced Ku-  which is nearing the end in its production
        in January. "Turksat 5A will have a month-  Band in television broadcasting and data   processes, into space in the fourth quarter
        long test run and become operational after   communication services. The satellite can   of this year." As of Jan. 8, 2021, the number
        June,"  Adil Karaismailoglu told Anadolu   serve  the  fields  of  TV  broadcasting  and   of  active  Turkish  satellites  in  Earth  orbit
        Agency.  When the satellite is  put into   communication  for more than  30  years   has reached seven.

        Soyuz Rocket Set to Launch More OneWeb Internet Satellites

        A Soyuz rocket is standing on a launch pad   liftoff at 2214:08 GMT (6:14:08 p.m. EDT).   an operational altitude of 745 miles (1,200
        at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia’s   The four-hour mission will  place the 36   kilometers) in  the coming  months. With
        the  Far East  for liftoff with the next  36   OneWeb satellites —  each about  the size   next 36 satellites, OneWeb’s fleet will have
        satellites  for OneWeb’s  internet  network,   of a mini-fridge — into a polar orbit about   182 spacecraft of a planned constellation
        the sixth Soyuz mission dedicated to the   279  miles  (450  kilometers) above Earth   of 648 nodes relaying broadband internet
        commercial broadband constellation. The   after  launching  toward  the north  from   signals  around the world.  The  fleet will
        36 satellites, built on Florida’s Space Coast   Vostochny.  Each  spacecraft  will  deploy   surpass the one-quarter  complete mark
        by  a  joint venturer between  OneWeb and   power-generating solar panels and switch   with Sunday’s launch.
        Airbus, are stowed inside the nose cone of   on xenon-fueled plasma thrusters to reach
        a Soyuz-2.1b rocket at Vostochny, Russia’s
        newest spaceport in the far eastern Amur
        Oblast  near the Chinese  border.  Ground
        teams  transferred the Soyuz  rocket, its
        Fregat upper  stage, and the OneWeb
        payload compartment to their launch pad
        Thursday. A hydraulic lift raised the Soyuz
        rocket vertical over the flame trench, and a
        mobile gantry moved into position around
        the launcher for workers to complete final
        launch  preparations. Russian managers
        will meet around five hours before launch
        to give the “go” to load kerosene and liquid
        oxygen propellants into the Soyuz rocket.
        The gantry  will  withdraw  to a  location
        near the launch pad, clearing the way for

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