Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 93



        Work Will be Hybrid & Individual: One Size Does Not Fit All

        Before the pandemic struck, people in big cities would fight their
        way  through  morning  traffic  to  operate  from  their  offices  –  if
        not every day, most days. Moreover, we would hold the majority
        of meetings in person  with just a  few online.  Sometimes  an
        occasional travel for either an inTernal or external meeting would
        find its way into our calendars.

        Prior to COVID-19, virtual meetings were useful, but rarely critical.
        During the pandemic, however, they have become the glue that
        holds organisations together. Gone are the old days when video
        conferencing felt like science fiction. As time has passed, we have
        learned that remote collaboration technology is, in fact, possible
        – and sometimes even preferable.
           Gone  are the  old  days when  video
           conferencing  felt  like  science  fiction.  As
           time  has passed, we have learned  that
           remote collaboration technology is, in fact,

           possible – and sometimes even preferable.

        From evolution to revolution
        What often  happens  with any new technology  is that, in the
        beginning,  there are strong  proponents  and opponents.  As the
        technology matures, so does our usage of it. And ultimately if the
        technology is useful, it stays with us and develops. There is no
        doubt in my mind that collaboration solutions are here to stay, but   Reem Asaad
        that they will develop and improve as well.             VP for Middle East and Africa
        During the pandemic, I often had the impression that we act as
        if  this  was  the  first  time  technology  has  changed  the  way  we
        communicate.  That, of course,  is far from the  truth. Just think
        about the influence of telephones, telegraphs, faxes, and emails
        and how  those  innovations changed  communication.  They
        replaced  some face to face contact, but mostly  they  provided
        opportunities and enhanced  human interaction  in ways  that
        wasn’t previously possible.

                                                                                                    93  APRIL-MAY 2021
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