Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        Discussions  were  made on mechanism for online registration   complaints through ATRA, has been designed in a manner that
        and  investigation  of  the  customers’  complaints  in  the  meeting   the complaints are referred online to the companies  with  least
        organized between ATRA Customer Care Unit and representatives   time,  and  the  companies  then  provide  ATRA  with  actions  and
        of  the  telecom  companies;  the  system  was  explained  to  the   information through the system on investigating the complaint
        companies  by  Licensing  and  Legal  Department  of  ATRA.   without wasting time as he said. The companies were requested
        Speaking in the meeting, Mr. Nazer Hussain Raihani, Customer   in  the  meeting  to  strictly  cooperate  in  regard  to  complaints
        Care Head,  termed the purpose of online process for customer’s   registered by ATRA on a timely manner so as to investigate the
        complaints registration facilitating and speeding up investigation   complaints in a better way.
        the  complaints  and  problems.  The  system,  to  investigate  the   (August 7, 2019)


        It has been confirmed that Algerian WiMAX-based B2B broadband   on 21 August 2019. The two companies were accused of non-
        operator  Smart  Link  Communication (SLC) and its  satellite   payment of taxes and denied the renewal of their licenses by the
        subsidiary  Divona  ceased  all  telecom  activities  in  the  country   regulatory authorities. (August 28, 2019) Agence Ecofin


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  is  pleased   NBNETCo BSC(c)) Reference  Offer (“RO”)  on its  website. The
        to  announce  that  pursuant to  its  powers under  Article 3   RO incorporates the regulated wholesale products and services
        of  the  Telecommunications  Law,  section  4.9  of  the  Fixed   (including the price and non-price terms) to be offered by BNet
        Telecommunications  Infrastructure Network License  and   to other Licensed Operators and is effective as of 1 August 2019.
        paragraph 21 of the Reference Offer Order (Ref: LAD 0619 178)   The published version of the RO now in effect is available on the
        the  Authority  has  published  the  BNet  BSC  (“BNet”)  (formerly   Authority’s website. (August 1, 2019)


        Bangladesh’s  government  proposed  simplifying  regulations  by   3G licenses to be extended to match the expiry data for the 4G
        introducing  a  single spectrum  license  for  mobile operators to   licenses, which were issued in February 2018, the newspaper said.
        replace separate permits for each mobile technology, The Daily   The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission
        Star  reported.  The  country’s  seven  operators  currently  have   (BTRC) also proposed  calculating spectrum  charges  based  on
        separate 2G, 3G and 4G licenses expiring in 2026, 2028 and 2033   an  operator’s  subscriber  base.  SM  Farhad,  Secretary  General
        respectively.  The  consolidated  licenses  would  expire  in  2033,   of the Association of Mobile Telecom Operators of Bangladesh,
        with  operators  required  to  pay  additional  fees  for  the  2G  and   welcomed the move and said “we appreciate the initiative. It will

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