Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 96


        FCC Proposes USD20.4Bn Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

        The Federal Communications Commission
        (FCC)  has  unveiled  plans  to  establish  a
        Rural  Digital  Opportunity  Fund,  which
        will  commit  at  least  USD20.4  billion  over
        the next  decade to support  high speed
        broadband  networks in rural America.
        The program will  be two-pronged:  Phase
        I will target those areas that current data
        confirms are wholly unserved, while Phase
        II will target those areas that are partially
        served as well as any areas not won in the
        first phase. The watchdog believes that at
        least  four  million rural homes and small
        businesses  lack  a  modern  broadband

        EU Approves Greek Rural Broadband Rollout

        The Greek government has secured EU approval to proceed with   country.  The  project  will  be  funded  by  the  European  Regional
        a  EUR300  million  (USD334  million)  scheme  to  roll  out  ultrafast   Development  Fund  (ERDF),  the  European  Agricultural  Fund  for
        broadband networks in unserved and underserved areas of the   Rural Development and private investors. The scheme will target
                                                               regions where there is currently no access to broadband at speeds
                                                               of  30Mbps  or  above  and  will  look  to  deploy  networks  offering
                                                               connectivity at download rates of between 100Mbps and 1Gbps.
                                                               The open access infrastructure will be available to all operators
                                                               on  a  non-discriminatory  basis.  EU  Competition  Commissioner
                                                               Margrethe  Vestager  commented:  ‘With  this  decision,  the
                                                               Commission endorses the use of EU funds for the development
                                                               of ultra-fast internet in areas of Greece where private investment
                                                               is insufficient. This is an important step for competitiveness and
                                                               innovation in Greece as well as for social and territorial cohesion,
                                                               enabling Greek households and businesses to benefit fully from
                                                               the Digital Single Market.’

        Slovakia Opens Consultation into Spectrum Auction

        Slovakia’s  Regulatory  Office  (Regulacny   ranges will be suitable for 5G services, the   currently  only  has  access  to  1800MHz
        Urad, RU) has opened a consultation into   RU says. At present, sub-1GHz spectrum   spectrum  –  or  an  entirely  new  operator.
        its terms for awarding wireless spectrum   is held only by the country’s three largest   Winning  bidders  must begin  utilizing
        in  the  700MHz,  900MHz,  1500MHz  and   cellcos  –  Slovak  Telekom  (ST),  Orange   frequencies in the 700MHz and 1500MHz
        1800MHz bands. The watchdog wants to   and  O2  –  and  the  watchdog  is  favoring   ranges within two years of receiving their
        auction 2×30MHz at 700MHz, 2×4MHz at   the  entry  of  a  new  player  in  the  700MHz   licenses, while a time limit of six months
        900MHz, 18 blocks of 5MHz in the 1500MHz   range in  order to encourage  competition.   will apply to the other two bands.
        range and 2×9MHz in the 1800MHz band.   This could  come  in the  form of either
        Frequencies in the 700MHz and 1500MHz   fourth cellco SWAN Mobile (4ka) – which

                                                                                                      96  AUGUST 2019
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