Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         Poe  chairs,  on  1  July  2019.  At  that  meeting,  Senate   Poe now acknowledges that those minimums are low
                         President  Pro  Tempore  Ralph  Recto  had  reportedly   compared to many seen in other countries across the
                         proposed  a minimum  internet download  speed  of   globe.  Nonetheless,  she  pointed  out  the  urgent  need
                         10Mbps  for  mobile  broadband/internet  access,   to legislate for new minimum internet service speeds,
                         and  20Mbps  for  fixed  and  fixed-wireless  platforms.   pointing out the exigent need for improvement due to
                         Further,  the  Bill  noted  that  service  providers  should   ‘the shift to online transactions and learning amid the
                         also  ‘work  towards  providing  an  average  internet   coronavirus pandemic’, among other things.
                         connection  speed  above  global  average’,  although   (July 31, 2020)

                         The Polish government is expecting to hold its auction   process  had simply been  paused  then  restarted,  she
                         of  5G-capable  spectrum  in  the  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  band   said it could have led to legal action from one of the
                         in early 2021, having  cancelled  the  awards process   potential bidders, which would have delayed the award
                         earlier  this  year  due  to  the  COVID-19  pandemic.   of spectrum even longer. ‘It was a difficult decision –
        Poland           Deputy Minister of Digitization Wanda Buk said in an   we chose the lesser evil,’ she said. Telecoms regulator
                         interview with Dziennik Gazeta Prawna: ‘I believe that
                                                                        UKE has said it plans to open a new consultation on the
                         the allocation of the C-band block to operators will take   awards process ahead of the new auction.
                         place in the first quarter of 2021.’ She added that the   (July 30, 2020)
                         auction cancellation was the best option; if the original

                         Slovenia’s  Agency  for  Communications  Networks   spectrum caps as part of the sale which include new
                         &  Services  (Agencija  za  komunikacijska  omrezja  in   and  existing  licenses.  Each  bidder  will  be  limited  to:
                         storitve, AKOS) has laid out a number of requirements   2×35MHz  across  the  700MHz,  800MHz  and  900MHz
                         for winning bidders in its long-awaited auction of 5G   bands; 190MHz of unpaired frequencies in the 2.3GHz
                         spectrum,  which  is  expected  to  take  place  later  this   and  3.6GHz  bands;  800MHz  unpaired  at  26GHz;  and
        Slovenia         year.  The  regulator  is  planning  to  sell  5G-capable   425MHz combined in the 700MHz, 2100MHz, 2.3GHz
                         spectrum in the 700MHz, 3.6GHz and 26GHz ranges, as   and  3.6GHz  ranges,  including  pre-existing  rights  of
                         well as complementary frequencies  at 1500MHz and   use  in  the  800MHz,  900MHz,  1800MHz  and  2.6GHz
                         2.3GHz, while at the same time offering up spectrum   bands.  Operators  with  less  than  2×30MHz  spectrum
                         in  the  2100MHz  band  which  is  currently  included  in   below 1GHz will be required to provide bit rates of at
                         licenses  due  to  expire  in  September  2021.  Winning   least 10Mbps downstream and 2Mbps upstream, while
                         bidders  are required  to have 5G services  in at least   licensees  with  more  than  2×30MHz  below  1GHz  will
                         one major city within one year of the license awards,   need to offer rates of at least 30Mbps/3Mbps (down/
                         and be using all acquired frequencies within five years   up).  All  licenses  will  be  technology  neutral.  State-
                         to  provide  coverage  of  all  major  cities.  The  700MHz   backed  fixed  and  mobile  operator  Telekom  Slovenije
                         band carries  additional coverage requirements,   recently  launched  the  country’s  first  commercial  5G
                         including 99% of motorways and 60% of all train lines   network using its existing 2600MHz spectrum.
                         and  main  roads  by  December  2025.  In  an  effort  to   (August 4, 2020)
                         promote competition in the market, AKOS has also set

                         The  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  and  Digital   services.  A  limit  of  2×15MHz  per  operator  has  been
                         Transformation  (Ministerio  de  Asuntos  Economicos   established  for  the  5G-suitable  700MHz  band,  which
                         y  Transformacion  Digital)  has  approved  a  Ministerial   will  be  freed  up by 31 October 2020 and auctioned
                         Order  modifying  the  National  Table  of  Attribution   in  the  first  quarter  of  2021.  Running  in  parallel,  the
                         of  Frequencies  (Cuadro  Nacional  de  Atribucion  de   Ministry has imposed a maximum limit of 2×35MHz per
        Spain            Frecuencias, CNAF), which imposes a cap on the amount   operator for all paired spectrum blocks in the 800MHz
                         of spectrum in the 694MHz-790MHz (700MHz) band   and 900MHz bands.
                         that an operator is able to use for mobile broadband   (July 22, 2020)

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