Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                         UK regulator Ofcom has published updated advice to   Ofcom  said  that  it  proposed  finding  that  KCOM  has
                         the Government on airwaves that be used to improve   market power in local access and leased lines access
                         mobile  broadband  connectivity  for  rail  passengers.   services, saying  it  would address  that  market  power
                         This update outlines the best spectrum options to meet   ‘by regulating in a way that supports competition and
                         rising demand for on-board data access by providing   investment, and protects customers’. Specifically, the
                         track-to-train connections through backhaul for Wi-Fi,   watchdog has said it aims to encourage competition
                         or mobile small cells on trains. Ofcom recommends the   in the retail market by ensuring that competitors will
                         66-71 GHz and 39-40 GHz bands as the best options for   continue to have access to KCOM’s network on fair and
                         providing these connections. Ofcom is also examining   reasonable  terms, while also proposing  to facilitate
                         future  plans  for  the  26  GHz  band,  and  will  take  any   new  entrants’  use  of  KCOM’s  network  by  making
                         demand to  use this  band for trackside services into   improvements to the existing wholesale local access
                         account when developing a future licensing strategy.   arrangements. Ofcom is also proposing that network
                         (July 27, 2020)               providers  should  be  able  to  lease  from  KCOM  just
                                                                        the fiber element of a ‘leased line’. Meanwhile, given
                         British  telecoms  regulator Ofcom has  proposed  the   what it said was  an increased  focus  on  regulating
                         creation  of  conditions  designed  to  ‘improve  retail   KCOM’s fiber wholesale local access services, Ofcom
                         competition in the fixed telecoms markets in the Hull   aims  to deregulate  both the wholesale broadband
                         Area,  through  [its]  wholesale  regulation  of  KCOM’.  In   access market and fixed voice telephone services. The
                         launching  a  consultation on its  plans, the watchdog   regulator has claimed that improving access to KCOM’s
                         said  that  it  was  looking to focus  its  regulation  on   fiber network will mean more companies can provide
                         encouraging competing providers to enter the market.   such services in the Hull Area, and as such its existing
                         To  that  end,  Ofcom’s  consultation  has  set  out  its   regulation would no longer be required. Responses to
                         proposals for regulation of the wholesale local access   the consultation are being sought by a 24 September
                         and wholesale leased lines access services markets in   deadline, following which Ofcom has said it will publish
                         the Hull Area from April 2021, while it also sets out how   a statement setting out its final decisions before the
                         it plans to deregulate the wholesale broadband access   new regulation takes effect from April 2021.
                         and fixed voice markets. In its consultation documents,   (July 20, 2020)

                         A  US  court  largely  dismissed  a  lawsuit  challenging   deployment” of next-generation services.
                         Federal   Communications   Commission   (FCC)   (August 12, 2020)
                         regulations  intended  to speed deployments of 5G
                         small cells, drawing praise from the domestic mobile   The US Administration is making 100 MHz of midband
        United           industry. At issue in the case were infrastructure rules   spectrum  available  for  FCC  auction  by  December
                                                                        2021,  according  to  the  White  House,  and  use  by
                         approved by the FCC in September 2018 which, among
        States           other  things,  limited  the  amount of time allowed  for   commercial 5G providers at full power ASAP, at least
                         local review of applications for small cell placement and   on the government timeline.  The move was billed as
                         capped municipal fees associated with such permits.   strengthening  U.S.  leadership  in  5G.    White  House
                         Though the regulations aimed to eliminate hurdles to   and  DOD  officials  said  Monday  (Aug.  10)  that  they
                         5G rollouts, local authorities balked. In October 2018,   had identified spectrum between 3450 and 3550 GHz
                         more than a dozen cities joined a lawsuit challenging   currently used by DOD for key radar applications, that
                         the  FCC’s  rules  on  the  basis  the  agency  exceeded   could be freed up quickly for sharing with commercial
                         its  legal  authority  and  its  orders  were  “arbitrary  and   5G  without  sacrificing  national  security  or  military
                         capricious”. In a decision issued the court upheld the   uses, specifically critical radar for air defense, missile
                         FCC’s rules related to fee caps and application review   and gun control, battlefield weapon locations, air traffic
                         deadlines,  but ordered it  to revisit  other  restrictions   control,  and  more.  The  Administration  will  work  with
                         placed on aesthetic reviews. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai in a   industry  on the sharing regime,  which will  require
                         statement called the decision a “massive victory” over   ongoing  coordination.    The  White  House  and  DOD
                         “short-sighted  efforts  by  those  seeking  to  obstruct   worked quickly to identify the spectrum and free it up
                         5G deployment”. He added the affirmation of national   as quickly as possible, but due to statute it must be
                         infrastructure policy coupled with scheduled mid-band   done  on  an  18-month  time  frame,  though  an  official
                         spectrum  auctions  left  the  country  “well-positioned   speaking on background pointed  out that  the time
                         to extend its global lead in 5G”. Industry groups CTIA   frame for federal spectrum to get to market can often
                         and  the  Competitive  Carriers  Association  (CCA)  also   be six or seven years, so the timeline was fast in that
                         applauded  the  ruling,  with  CCA  chief  Steven  Berry   context.  A  DOD  spokesperson  said  it  worked  on  an
                         noting it will ensure “outlier regulations do not inhibit   unprecedented 15-week schedule to find the spectrum,

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