Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        It  should  be  noted  that  DDoS  attacks   from home,  using insecure devices,   minimize the  chance  of data loss from
        remain a top cybersecurity threat heading   running  programs,  and  downloading  files   targeted  email attacks,  and are strongly
        into 2H20. By the end of 2019, as many as   that may otherwise be avoided in a private   encouraged to use cloud email protection
        167k  DDoS  attacks  were  detected,  for  a   office  environment.    “In  fact,  many  home   services, which leverage advanced threat
        total of 437k TB of traffic. This was a 30%   workers  don’t  even  run  network  security   intelligence  data  and machine  learning
        YoY increase. And about 170k IoT devices   assessments, and use networks that  are   engines,  as  well  as  URL  protection,  and
        were found in DDoS attacks last year.  insecure —  increasing the attack  surface   forged email detection services.
                                             exponentially for the business that’s using
        SAMENA  companies  can  protect  against   the  network  to  transmit  sensitive  data,”   3. Outdated Network Architectures
        large-scale  DDoS  attacks  by  "scrubbing"   says Mr. Sobhy.            Organizations also  need  to update their
        or cleaning IP traffic before it reaches the                             remote network infrastructure, and migrate
        network.  This  typically  involves  routing   The  industry has seen  a   away  from  the traditional combination of
        incoming  network  traffic  to  multiple  data                           leased  lines,  and  VPN-based  structures
        centers,  so  that  DDoS  attacks  can  be   major uptick  in  phishing   to  flexible  software-defined  wide  area
        filtered and eliminated. Filtering separates   attempts,  which  mimic a   networking  (SD-WAN)  setups  that  can
        legitimate traffic from false traffic, and is                            provide  dynamic  security  management.
        done as close to the attack sources as early   “Trojan  horse” approach   SD-WAN  can  reduce  infrastructure  costs
        as possible  —  shielding  the  organization   to  luring  unsuspecting  and provide the required flexibility to build
        from getting overwhelmed  by malicious   victims into opening emails     or tear down sites in a short period of time
        data packets.                                                            — making it faster and easier to provision
                                                that  they think  are  safe,     network services to remote users.
        However,  it’s  important  to  keep  in  mind   but in fact carry malicious
        that routing traffic to thwart a DDoS attack                             One of the most important things to
        can add extra time for data to transit the   payloads.                   consider when deploying SD-WAN is that
        network, which can also negatively impact                                it can be much riskier running traffic over
        business operations. As such, it’s import-  Cybercriminals  are  aware  of  this  the public internet, versus a private carrier
        ant to use local scrubbing centers located   vulnerability, and are actively  targeting   MPLS network. The public internet poses
        at key peering hubs around the world where   users  over  insecure  networks  via  much  greater  levels  of  exposure  to  bad
        large volumes of traffic are exchanged.  email.  Google  alone,  for  instance,  has   actors  and  malware.  Allowing  SD-WAN
                                             discovered hundreds of millions of daily   devices to access the internet directly with
        2. Vulnerable End Users              spam  messages  related  to  COVID-19.   its  limited onboard security protection  is
        One of the top reasons why many SAMENA   The  industry  has  seen  a  major  uptick  in   not adequate to protect enterprise assets
        companies  have been  nervous about   phishing attempts, which mimic a “Trojan   behind  it,  so  extra  protection  is  needed.
        allowing remote workers is because end-  horse”  approach  to  luring  unsuspecting   The best way to fortify SD-WAN outside of
        user  behavior tends  to change on  home   victims into opening  emails that they   a private MPLS environment is to leverage
        networks. Staff members tend to become   think are safe, but in fact carry malicious   an  advanced  managed  firewall  or  cloud
        more relaxed about security when working   payloads.  Businesses  need  to  try  and   security solution, which incorporates a
                                                                                 variety of advanced  security  functions,
                                                                                 such  as  sandboxing,  application  control,
                                                                                 intrusion  detection  and  prevention  (IDS/
                                                                                 IPS), quarantining, and web filtering.

                                                                                 “Of course, these are just a few of the many
                                                                                 factors that  companies  need  to consider
                                                                                 when  enabling  remote  work,”  Mr.  Sobhy
                                                                                 adds.  The  above  suggestions  should  be
                                                                                 used in conjunction with services such as
                                                                                 real-time security information  and event
                                                                                 monitoring (SIEM), and advanced identity
                                                                                 management  and  access  control.  “By
                                                                                 incorporating  these  strategies,  SAMENA
          PCCW Global’s European-based security operations center (SOC) manages customers’ security services 24x7,   companies  can  drastically  reduce  their
                            and helps them pro-actively address security issues.   attack surface.”

        About the author
        Bob Flinton, Dir. Strategic Marketing, PCCW Global
        Bob Flinton has been with PCCW Global for 6 years, and leads product marketing for the company’s cybersecurity service offerings.
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