Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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        CAN Bloc to Implement ‘Roam Like at Home’ by January 2022

        International roaming charges for travelers   voice  service  must  be  charged  at  cost.   it  will  allow  an  average reduction of  60%
        moving   between  Bolivia,  Colombia,  Commenting  on  the development,  Jose   and 80%, until in two years the concept of
        Ecuador and Peru are set to be gradually   Aguilar,  General  Director  of  Policies  and   international calling will end.’ The official
        reduced  following the implementation  of   Regulation at Peru’s Ministry of Transport   went on: ‘It is very important that the CAN
        Decision  854  of  the  Andean  Community   and  Communications   (Ministerio  de   decision comes into force because it is in
        (Comunidad  Andina,  CAN).  Under  the   Transportes  y  Comunicaciones,  MTC)   line with practices applied in other regions
        terms of the agreement,  from 1 January   praised  the  move,  noting:  ‘It  means  that   such as the EU and Mercosur.’
        2022   operators  must  not  charge
        additional fees for roaming between  the
        bloc’s  member  states,  and  must  apply
        the same tariff conditions  that apply in
        the  user’s  home  state  for  local  outgoing
        calls,  SMS  and  data.  In  the  interim,  the
        decision  establishes price  ceilings  for
        retail and wholesale international roaming
        services.  Wholesale  fees  for  mobile  data
        were  set  at  USD0.0039  per  MB  until  31
        December  2020,  and  USD0.0033  per  MB
        from  1  January  2021  to  31  December
        2021, whilst wholesale  incoming  mobile

        Verizon Prepares for Global 5G Roaming with South Korea Trials

                                             Verizon  Wireless  has  become  the  first   were conducted  on the live production
                                             US  operator  to  successfully  complete   5G  network  in  South  Korea  with  a
                                             5G  global  roaming trials  and has  a   prototype  device  using  dual  frequencies.
                                             ‘commercially  ready’  5G  global  roaming   The  5G  device,  which  can  access  5G
                                             service. As such, customers traveling from   services  in  the  US  using  millimeter  wave
                                             the US to South Korea with a compatible   (mmWave)  spectrum,  accessed 5G on
                                             device will be able to enjoy the benefits of   3.5GHz spectrum in South Korea. Average
                                             5G service internationally. The successful   speeds  recorded during  the trial  were
                                             trials  for  voice,  data  and  text  messaging   252Mbps/119Mbps (down/uplink).

        Interconnection Impasse: Claro, Tigo Reluctant to Cooperate with Partners

        Chris  Bannister,  the  CEO  of  Colombian   was  otherwise engaged  and unable  to   TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database,
        newcomer  Partners,  has  informed  La   attend  the  talks.  It  is  understood  that   in December 2019 Partners (representing
        Republica  that  both  Claro  and  Tigo  have   Partners infuriated its  rivals  by  using its   Icelandic-owned, UK-based private equity
        refused to sign interconnection agreements   700MHz  spectrum  allocation  to  bolster   firm  Novator  Partners)  successfully  bid
        with it to date, meaning that Movistar is the   the networks of its  recently  acquired   on  frequencies  in  the  700MHz  band  and
        sole national operator to agree terms. The   mobile  subsidiary,  Avantel.  Bannister,   2500MHz  bands  in  Colombia’s  multi-
        executive  added  that  ‘conflict  meetings’   however, has  assured industry  observers   band  spectrum  auction.  In  July  2020,
        with  the Communications  Regulatory   that the 700MHz spectrum has now been   meanwhile, Novator Partners acquired an
        Commission  (Comision de Regulacion  de   withdrawn, pending a full investigation by   unspecified  majority  stake  in  Colombian
        Comunicaciones,  CRC)  came to  nothing,   the  National  Spectrum  Agency  (Agencia   mobile  operator  Avantel  and  launched  a
        with Claro claiming  that its only lawyer   Nacional del Espectro, ANE). According to   restructuring of the business.

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