Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                                               BLUEMARBLE COMMERCE™

        A   CLOUD-NATIVE,    MICROSERVICES   integrate   microservices   architecture.
        -BASED SOLUTION WHICH EMPOWERS       It  contains  all  the  specifics  required  to   HIGHLIGHTS
        A TRUE OMNI-CHANNEL  CUSTOMER        support  leading  communication service   FAST
        EXPERIENCE. IT UNITES MULTIPLE LINES   providers and provides a low-code,  easy   Easy-to-deploy  and  integrate  with
        OF BUSINESS  AND  INTEGRATES EASILY   to  configure  solution  that  enables  rapid   existing BSS/OSS and IT stacks, with
        WITH EXISTING IT BACKEND SYSTEMS     product and proposition launches and the   a  range  of  out  of  the  box  sales  and
        BlueMarble  –  Tech  Mahindra’s  digital   ability to address customer  requirements   delivery workflows.
        transformation accelerator  – a  micro   in a dynamic environment.
        services  based    framework   with                                        REAL-TIME
        productized business services focusing on   With  the Customer 360-View  customer   Get real-time  analytics  on orders,
        the transformation of existing IT systems   account  data  and service subscriptions   transactions, and product sales across
        and towards a digital customer experience.   will  be  merged  into  a  single  view.  The   channels, and customer journeys.
        It  is  based on a  consistent,  cloud-native,   Shopping Cart is the essential component
        containerized  deployment and runtime   of the sales customer journey, supporting   CUSTOMIZABLE
        environment,  with integrated  support  for   real-time rules  evaluation and charge   Process  workflows  and intuitive user
        a complete CI/CD pipeline. It supports the   calculation. Shopping Carts are persisted   interfaces  can  be  tailored  to your
        consistent  development,  deployment of   to  support  cross-channel  customer  operational requirements.
        micro services.                      journey. Finally, the configurable Checkout
                                             not only decreases the average handling   SCALABLE
        We  simplify  the  selling  of  complex   time, it also lowers the order fallout due to   As traffic and customer flow increases,
        products and enable our clients to provide   immediate data validation.    BlueMarble  adjusts  to  meet  the
        a  consistent,  personalized  &  contextually                              demand.
        relevant  experience  across  all  customer   We simplify  the  selling
        touch  points.  We  also  help  clients                                    SECURE
        transform sales and delivery process from   of  complex  products  and     Proven and reliable authentication and
        an IT driven process to a customer-centric   enable our clients to provide   authorization features protect against
        experience.                             a consistent, personalized         data breach and loss.

        BUSINESS BENEFITS                       & contextually relevant          The  headless  design  of  the  BlueMarble
        In  several  Tier  1  client  deployments   experience  across      all  Commerce™  components  supports  the
        BlueMarble   Commerce™     supports                                      easy implementation of an omni-channel
        business  across all  lines of business,   customer touch points. We     customer   experience   across   digital
        fixed,  mobile,  cable  and  services  and   also help clients transform   and  assisted  customer  touchpoints.
        across assisted channels,  retail  and call   sales and delivery process   BlueMarble  Commerce™  APIs  are  aligned
        center and digital channels, web shop and                                with the TMForum Open-API specification,
        application, consistently.              from an IT driven  process       with compatible extensions where required
                                                to    a    customer-centric      to support real-life deployments.
        Components  are developed  using  a
        modern,  flexible,  adaptable  and  easy  to   experience.

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