Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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plans for nationwide gigabit broadband. gigabit broadband’. Further to the above, alongside masts, without prior approval, to
Meanwhile, it said other measures will the DCMS also confirmed that it is taking support new 5G networks. Before amending
provide greater consumer protection forward proposals designed to simplify the existing legislation, the government
and ensure Ofcom’s regulatory powers planning rules, with a view to speeding up has, however, confirmed it intends carry
are up to date. With regards to Ofcom’s the rollout of 5G connectivity and allowing out a technical consultation on the detail
powers specifically, the DCMS noted that for improvements to rural mobile coverage. of these proposals. Finally, the DCMS has
the changes to legislation will include: Reformed planning laws in England will noted that it plans to consult on changes
new powers for the watchdog to gather reportedly allow mobile network operators to the Electronic Communications Code,
information on operators’ planned network (MNOs) to put more equipment than they which is separate from the EECC, and is the
rollouts; and a new ‘broad duty’ for Ofcom to currently can on phone masts, making it domestic legal framework underpinning
promote connectivity, access to, and take- easier to share masts and increase mobile agreements between landowners and
up of gigabit-capable networks. Further, coverage areas. Moreover, the reforms will communications operators in the UK.
in areas where it is costly or difficult to also permit: new masts to be taller, subject With the Code having been substantially
install new networks, Ofcom will have the to prior approval by the planning authority; reformed in 2017 to make it cheaper and
power to impose obligations on operators existing phone masts to be strengthened easier for electronic communications
already present to offer network access without prior approval, so that they can apparatus to be deployed, maintained,
or share equipment. Meanwhile, Ofcom’s be upgraded for 5G and shared between shared and upgraded, the government
market review period will be increased MNOs; building-based masts to be placed wants to consider reforms to the Code
from three to five years, with it claimed nearer to highways, to support better ‘in due course’ that may be required to
that this change ‘will give a longer period mobile coverage of the UK’s road networks, hopefully ensure such deployments can
of regulatory stability to the telecoms subject to prior approval; and cabinets made quickly.
market and more certainty for investors in containing radio equipment to be deployed
FCC Strikes 'Historic' Agreement on Wireless Co-Location
The FCC has struck an agreement with 5G. The agreement further streamlines step in the right direction toward achieving
historic preservation groups to help wireless siting reviews. “I commend the this important goal.” The change means
build out wireless infrastructure while FCC for its amendment of the Nationwide that excavation for co-location (adding
protecting historic properties. That Programmatic Agreement for the wireless equipment to an existing site) that
comes in the form of an update to the Collocation of Wireless Antennas, which is related to but occurs outside a current
Nationwide Programmatic Agreement will help further improve infrastructure tower site can qualify for streamlined review,
for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas deployment around existing tower which had not been the case previously.
(Collocation NPA) that the FCC entered sites," said Steven K. Berry, president of Carriers were allowed to excavate outside
into with the Commission, the Advisory the Competitive Carriers Association. the existing site if they were taking down
Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), "Streamlined infrastructure policies are and replacing the tower, so the change
and the National Conference of State critical for competitive carriers to be able to give co-locations the same leeway. “This
Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO) enhance and build out their networks, and is a vitally important agreement to ensure
in 2011. The agreement was announced I thank Chairman Pai and Commissioner our infrastructure policies can meet the
by FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, Carr for their important work on wireless challenges and opportunities of 5G,”
who has headed up the FCC's efforts to infrastructure issues. Consumers stand to said Carr. NATE, the communications
streamlining wireless broadband buildouts benefit most from clear, efficient policies, infrastructure contractors association,
as a way to speed the deployment of and today’s announcement certainly is a praised the agreement.
US 3.5GHz Auction Draws Wide Interest
Executives at US Spectrum Access System 23 July. Federal Communications Jennifer McCarthy said the high level
(SAS) provider Federated Wireless told Commission (FCC) officials said more of interest could result in the auction
Mobile World Live major mobile players, than 270 bidders were vying for 22,631 running into the fourth quarter, with
cable companies, wireless ISPs, utility licenses being offered in 10MHz blocks winners named by the year-end. McCarthy
companies and large enterprises had for the spectrum, which is regarded as explained the large number of participants
all entered the race to acquire 3.5GHz key for 5G. Federated Wireless CTO Kurt was in part due to the FCC’s decision to
spectrum in an auction which commenced Schaubach and VP of legal advocacy award licenses for smaller, county-sized
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