Page 10 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 10


                                                MEMBERS NEWS

                                             stc to Expand its Data Center Portfolio in Saudi

        In  presence  of HRH  Prince Mohammed   stc expanding  its mission critical white   to enable digital  transformation within
        bin  Khaled  Abdulla  Al-Faisal,  stc  has   space to more than 105 MW of Data Center   the Kingdom  and further  the country’s
        announced  launching  3 Mega Data    IT power  across the Kingdom  utilizing   National  Transformation  Program  2020,
        Centers in Riyadh, Jeddah and Al-Madina,   the same highly resilient model. The new   in line with the Saudi Vision 2030. Nasser
        with  SAR  1  billion investment. They  aim   design of the Data Centers has received Tier   Al-Nasser the  stc CEO stated “Yesterday
        to  host  telecommunications  equipment   III Certification for Design & Construction   we announced  $500  Million investment
        and  digital  cloud  infrastructure,  offering   from the global authority “The Uptime   with  Ali  Baba  Cloud  and  eWTP,  and  to
        higher  availability,  more  flexibility  and   Institute” and are fully compliant with local   today we announce  investing  about  SAR
        faster time to the customer.  stc adopted   regulations. These projects represent the   1  Billion  in  these  3  Data  Centers.  The
        Next Generation build technology through   first phase of its New Era “Next Generation”   successful completion and transformation
        modular  and  prefabricated  solutions,   Data  Centers. Phase1 of this ambitious   of  stc’s  mission  critical  offering,  will
        affirming business continuity and service   program is now complete, with new Data   enable  the  next step  in digital services
        uptime. It  also  enables  stc to  optimize   Centers  in  Jeddah  and  Madinah  already   to be delivered throughout  the Kingdom.
        future  expansions  with  Grow-On-   online, and today sees stc’s 3rd new Data   This  first  milestone  achievement  is  only
        Demand technology and Quick-To-Market   Center being commissioned in Riyadh. stc   the beginning”. Haithem M. Alfaraj the stc
        solutions. The three new Data  Centers   has embraced state-of-the-art design and   Senior  VP  of Technology  and Operations
        have been built with over 150 prefabricated   construction techniques, which is set out   stated “stc has reached a major milestone
        modules  (PFM’s),  fully  equipped  with   to advance  the Kingdom’s Infrastructure   in providing next generation Data Centers,
        power,  thermal  management  and  IT   architecture. stc’s vision is realized   that  will  meet the current demands for
        infrastructure.  Providing  10.8  MW  of   through the rapid deployment of multiple   digital infrastructure, with the flexibility to
        critical IT  power (white  space ready)   cutting-edge  Data  Centers  specifically   grow and mature with the digital evolution”
        expandable  to  16.8  MW.  Phase  2  of  the   tailored to meet the ever-increasing   stc’s  current network transformation
        program already in construction will bring   requirements  of this giant company.   and new Data  Center  program will
        the  total  Critical  IT  Power  to  40.8  MW.   This  exciting  announcement  comes  fundamentally change the mission critical
        Furthermore, the short-term future will see   as  part  of stc’s  ongoing  achievements   hosting space within the region, improving
                                                                                 the agility  and  speed-to-market of the
                                                                                 new services being rolled  out in support
                                                                                 of the Kingdom’s National Transformation
                                                                                 Program  2020,  and  the  Kingdom’s  2030
                                                                                 vision. stc’s successful achievement in this
                                                                                 program  has  exceeded  all  expectations,
                                                                                 and STC  has  already started Phase  2  of
                                                                                 the program that will deliver an additional
                                                                                 4 new Data Centers in strategic locations
                                                                                 throughout  the Kingdom. stc’s major
                                                                                 objective  is  to  fundamentally transform
                                                                                 the  Kingdom’s  network  architecture,
                                                                                 moving towards advanced digital software
                                                                                 services, and provide resilience enhanced
                                                                                 mission critical white space to  hosting
                                                                                 customers  and hyper-scalers.  It  also
                                                                                 aspires to further improve operational
                                                                                 efficiencies   and   scalability,   reduce
                                                                                 latency,  and  implement  cloud  services,
                                                                                 artificial  intelligence  and  automation.

                                                                                                    10  DECEMBER 2020
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