Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 19


        Digital Divide: But this good news doesn’t   is affordability.  The  barrier  to access  for   2.  Revamp our universal service programs
        apply to every American. There is a deep   millions of other Americans is the cost of   with  direct  appropriations  from
        gap separating those with  and without   broadband service and equipment.   Congress.
        broadband internet access. The latest FCC   Lessons  from  COVID:  Half  of  U.S.  adults   3.  Let  those  who  engineer  and  build
        figures  estimate  that  about  14.5  million   say the internet’s been “essential” during   broadband  networks decide  which
        Americans lack access to fixed broadband   the  pandemic.  60%  of  Americans  have   technology delivers the best solution.
        at  speeds  of at  least  25/3  Mbps.  This is   been  able to  work  from home thanks  to   4.  Keep  the  light-touch  regulatory
        the case even though broadband providers   high-speed  internet. 50 million students   approach that’s served our country so
        are rapidly pushing  faster services  into   transitioned to remote learning. Yet some   well.
        more and more areas. While some 98% of   17 million students  remain effectively   That light-touch regulatory approach has
        Americans in urban areas do have access   locked  out  of  instruction  because  encouraged  sizable private investment in
        to  broadband  networks,  this  is  true  for   their families lack  access to  internet   U.S.  networks  in  the past  and can in  the
        fewer  than  80%  of  rural  Americans.  That   connectivity or adequate devices at home.   future,  as  well.  In  that  regard,  McElfresh
        14.5 million figure only captures the issue   This “homework gap” is  the crisis  within   said  AT&T  intends  to  continue  investing
        of fixed broadband availability. It does not   the COVID crisis.         in its fiber infrastructure and may double
        include  consumers who rely entirely on   Steps needed to close the digital divide:  the  number  of  business,  residential  and
        their mobile phone  for internet access.   1.  Urge Congress  to  fully fund the   wireless cell tower locations served with
        Still,  availability  is  a  major  concern,  as   Broadband DATA Act.   fiber over the next 5 years.

                                             BT and TIM Sign Preliminary Agreement for the
                                             Sale of Two Selected BT Business Units in Italy

        BT and TIM announced they have signed   services, accelerating digitalization of the   services to multinational organizations.
        a preliminary agreement on the acquisition   public affairs at central, regional and local   BT  will  retain  a  strong  presence  in  Italy
        of  selected  BT  business  units  in  Italy   levels in the country.  With the planned   serving large enterprises and multinational
        serving public  administration  and Small   integration of the SME business unit, TIM   companies, including access points to its
        &  Medium  Enterprises  (SME)  by  TIM.   would further diversify the offer of secure   global network and data centers. The two
        The public  administration business unit   and  efficient  ICT  and  cloud  solutions   business units included  in  the planned
        provides communications  services to  a   for small  and medium businesses.  The   transaction  generated  revenues  of
        number of ministries and agencies of the   agreement also includes customer support   approximately €90 million during the fiscal
        national  government,  as  well  as  regional   for  the  SME  business  unit,  delivered  by   year ended in March 2020.  The planned
        and local governments. The SME business   BT’s  contact  center  in  Palermo.  The   transaction is subject to consultations with
        unit offers connectivity and cloud services   planned  transaction  is  part  of  BT’s   trade unions and  regulatory  clearance. It
        throughout Italy. The planned transaction   ongoing  transformation of its Global unit   is expected to complete by the end of the
        will  enable  TIM to expand  its supply   as it sharpens its focus on delivering next-  first quarter of 2021.
        of communications and connectivity   generation networking, cloud and security

                                             Cisco to Acquire iMimobile to Embed Omni-
                                             channel Engagement into Customer Experience
                                             as a Service

        Cisco  and  IMImobile  PLC  announced   rate used for the conversion of £ into USD   acquisition,  Cisco  will  be  able  to  offer
        that they have reached  an agreement   is  1.3438,  derived  from  Bloomberg,  as   customer-facing businesses with an end-
        on the terms of  a  recommended cash   at 16:00 on 4 December 2020. IMImobile   to-end customer interaction management
        offer pursuant to which  Cisco will  pay   provides software and services which   solution  and  rich  customer  experiences,
        595  pence per share in exchange  for   allow  enterprises  and  organizations  along  with the  ability to drive faster and
        each share of IMImobile, or an aggregate   to  stay  constantly  connected  to  their   smarter interactions and orchestration
        purchase price of approximately USD $730   customers  through  enhanced  interactive   throughout  the lifecycle journey  of the
        million assuming fully diluted shares, net   channels  including  social,  messaging   customer. As more people work remotely
        of cash and including debt. The exchange   and voice. Following completion of the   or  from  home,  enterprise  customers  are

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