Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - December 2020
P. 4


        The Aim for Digital Sustainability

        Increased  network capacity and  greater   changed connectivity needs and the speed
        resilience are a pre-requisite for building a   of  digitization,  other  industries  (verticals)
        sustainable Digital Economy. Key enabling   have also been compelled  to increasingly
        factors, such as public-private collaboration,   bank on the power and potential of digital
        improved    policy  and    regulatory  technologies to manage their pressures to
        enablement steps, aligned well with digital   deliver and thrive.
        transformation  goals and digitization
        trends across markets and industries, and   These are the times when future innovation
        sustainable influx in  investment in  both   depends  on the sustainability  of an  open
        infrastructure and incubation of innovation,   and  symbiotic  ICT  ecosystem,  which
        play a crucial role as well.          should foster improved relationships, such
                                              as  between  Tech  Providers  -  Operators,
        As  we  have  observed,  of  late,  the  SA-ME-  Operators   -   Content/App   Providers,
        NA  region,  especially  the  Middle  East,  is   Content/App  Providers  -  Consumers,  Tech
        demonstrating  noticeable  progress (and   Providers  -  Consumers,  Tech  Providers
        progressiveness)  in ICT development. The   -  Content/App  Providers,  Operators  -   Bocar A. BA
                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer & Board
        challenges  of  the year  2020  have  indeed   Consumers, Tech Providers - Governments,   Member
        been  good  catalysts  for the new wave of   Operators - Governments, and Governments   SAMENA Telecommunications
        digitization being  observed worldwide. A   - Citizens, among others. The relationships   Council
        major  contributing  factor,  which  has  been   are indeed as complex as they sound. Thus
        catalyzed  very  well  over  the  past  year,  is   new synergies and possibilities among ICT
        the  heightened  focus  of ICT Players to   players, beneficiaries, as well as technologies   which have been repeatedly highlighted
        work  collaboratively work  with  Regulators   must be created. That is, broadband access,   by  SAMENA  Council  across  its  own
        and  Policymakers  in  the  fulfillment  of  the   cloud computing, advanced computational   as  well  as  both regional and  global
        over-arching  goal of "Universal  Digital   capabilities,  artificial  intelligence,  intra   platforms)  that  foster  innovation
        Access".  As  a  result  of  sound  policies,   and inter-industry  applications and digital   and will  help attract  more end-user
        which  preceded the  2020 crisis in many   services must be harnessed  together  in a   confidence  in  advanced  technologies,
        ME  countries,  complemented  by  clear  ICT   meaningful way to create new opportunities   including 5G. At the infrastructure level,
        goals,  investment  in  ICT  infrastructure   for business growth as well as for achieving   we need to achieve ubiquitous coverage
        and subsequent  acceleration  of digital   new milestones  in socio-economic well-  and ensure  optimal  user experience
        development,  the  region  has  done  well  in   being in an inclusive manner.   while maximizing  network value for
        achieving digital progress at a much faster                                 the  investors.  At  the  policy-level,  this
        rate than predicted, earlier.         SAMENA Council  believes that public-  merits further harmonizing policy and
                                              private-people cooperation is essential for   regulatory efforts by keeping in view the
        Resultantly,  new  paradigms  in  digital   addressing the digital inclusion and digital   multiple  aforementioned  relationships
        value-creation  have  emerged,  whereby   sustainability imperatives. Not only are the   within the ICT ecosystem.
        the  power  of  connectivity,  computing,   ICT players themselves but other industries
        and comprehension  will  drive further   as well are central to the digital world in which   May the Year 2021 bring success and
        development  and digital adoption  in   we  now  live and  operate. The world now   sustainability  to  all  those who  have
        the  post-pandemic  era.  In  this  regard,   demands  better  communication  services,   invested their time, energies, leadership,
        partnership, collaboration, digital capacity-  enhanced  digital  experiences,  increased   and goodwill to support value-creation
        building  and incubation  of innovation   business productivity, and improved quality   within the evolving ICT ecosystem,  and
        would prove to be crucial for sustaining the   of life, and not to mention, faster recovery.   to involve other industries.
        digital development momentum. Under the   It is thus important that we act upon some
        new  paradigm  shifts,  which  have  abruptly   implementable recommendations (some of   Happy New Year!

                                                                                                     4  DECEMBER 2020
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