Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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sector as the foundation of global progress, WRC-23, said: ” The conference has set systems that enhance the digital lifestyle.
and to adopting innovative approaches to the groundwork for a new chapter in the Additionally, the facilitation of frequency
spectrum management, acknowledging distinguished relationship between the UAE bands for ground stations on aircraft and
that the telecom sector transcends borders, and the ITU, marking another success story ships aims to improve communication
and technology serves as humanity's in the UAE's global endeavors, reflecting its services for travelers and workers in the
bridge to prosperity.” In turn, commenting global mission and significant contributions aviation and maritime sector. To keep pace
on the conclusion of the conference, to advancing international cooperation with the rapid expansion of communication
H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, TDRA across various fields, particularly in the services through non-geostationary
Director General, said: “Hosting the WRC- radiocommunications sector, which serves satellite systems, the regulatory framework
23 in the UAE reflects its position as a hub as the backbone of smart cities and an for the utilization of these systems was
for significant global events, serving as key essential component for the success of developed during this conference. In
decision-making centers for issues critical Internet of Things technologies. Throughout efforts to enhance emergency response
to the future of humanity. This includes four weeks of consultation, dialogue, and and mitigate maritime accidents, work
radio communications and frequency negotiations, we engaged in discussions has been undertaken to update the Global
spectrum policies that influence numerous touching on points of universal concern. Maritime Distress and Safety System,
technological trends and strategies related We aimed to provide a glimpse into a world addressing ongoing developments in
to digital transformation, particularly in light characterized by harmony, dialogue, and this field and adapting to the evolving
of the ongoing technological breakthroughs. building bridges to reach understandings needs of frequency spectrum. The ITU
The UAE has earned this distinguished that benefit all humanity." Al Ramsi also World Radiocommunication Conference
status through the commitment of its wise praised the results that emerged from the (WRC-23), is held every four years and
leadership to actively engage with global conference, and the agreements that were brings together government officials,
issues and maintain a strong presence in reached at the global level, emphasizing that telecommunications regulatory bodies,
the international arena. The UAE’s focus on they will usher in a new era in the process as well as representatives of users and
the telecom sector, evident from the early of human development. He said: “We major suppliers of radiocommunication
emphasis on infrastructure to its evolution have emerged from this conference with services; in order to hold critical technical
into electronic and then digital governance, significant outcomes that will contribute regulatory discussions at the global
has played a key role in shaping its to the development of numerous radio level. The conference is also a platform
current achievements, including space services, serving the interests of countries, for presenting and discussing the latest
exploration, digital government, and more.” societies, and humanity as a whole. innovations and technologies in the field of
H.E. Eng. Mohammed Al Ramsi, TDRA Today, countries have the opportunity to radiocommunications, and an opportunity
Deputy Director General and Chairman of utilize the identified IMT bands to develop to enhance cooperation and exchange
of experiences between countries. It's
noteworthy that the UAE stands as the
sole country to have hosted and chaired all
major conferences and events of the ITU.
It is the only country that has chaired this
conference twice, in 2012 and 2023. This
accomplishment is a testament to the UAE's
global position in the telecommunications
sector, its trusted role in regional and
global coordination, its relentless efforts
to advance telecommunications through
collaboration with diverse partners, and its
achievements in sustainable development,
the adoption of modern technologies, and
the enhancement of telecom infrastructure.
19 DECEMBER 2023