Page 18 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 18


        WRC-23 Wraps Up with Resounding Success and Achievements

        The  Telecommunications  and  Digital
        Government    Regulatory   Authority
        (TDRA)  officially  concluded  the  World
        Radiocommunication  Conference  (WRC-
        23),  hosted  by  the  UAE at  the  Dubai
        World Trade Center from November 20 to
        December 15, 2023. The conference had a
        crucial role  in  reviewing  and  updating  the
        Radio  Regulations  and  the  international
        treaty governing the utilization of the radio-
        frequency spectrum and  satellite  orbits.
        With over 4,900 government officials from
        193 countries and the participation of 900
        international  organizations,  universities,
        and   companies   worldwide,   WRC-23
        marked  a  truly  global  collaboration.  The
        conference lasted for four weeks, marked
        by  intense  discussions  among various
        groups  and  countries  aimed  at  reaching
        a  global  consensus  on  enhancing  the
        utilization of the radio frequency spectrum.
        The  focus was  on  meeting  the  growing
        demands  for  wireless  communication
        services, including  5G and the  Internet  of
        Things (IoT), while addressing coordination
        challenges and ensuring compatibility with
        satellite  systems  to prevent  interference
        and  ensure effective operation.  The
        deliberations  also  encompassed  the
        evaluation  and  accommodation   of
        emerging  technologies  and  services
        reliant  on  radio  communications,  such  as   regulation. Commenting on the successful   digital  governance. All  the  decisions  and
        autonomous  vehicles,  smart cities,  and   conclusion  of  the  conference,  H.E.  Talal   agreements  reached with  the  conclusion
        space  exploration.  Additionally,  efforts   Humaid Belhoul, Chairman of TDRA Board   of WRC-23 will pave the way for equitable
        were  directed  towards  modernizing  the   of Directors,  said:  This  year's conference   access  to digital  technologies,  bridging
        Global Maritime Distress and Safety System   underscored  the  strong collaboration   divides, and opening new opportunities for
        (GMDSS) and  fostering  international   among  nations,  emphasizing  the  pivotal   all.” Belhoul added: “The UAE, represented
        cooperation and synergy between countries,   role of international cooperation in shaping   by TDRA, has played a crucial role in guiding
        ITU  members, industry  stakeholders,   the  future  of the  telecommunications   the  discussions  of this  global  forum,
        and   other   relevant   organizations.   sector.  It  highlighted  that  teamwork and   fostering  the  consensuses  achieved.
        The  overarching goal was to achieve   a  shared  vision  are  indispensable  for   We  are  committed  to  a  future  vision  that
        consensus  on  spectrum allocation  and   navigating  the  complexities  of global   recognizes the digital telecommunications

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