Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 44


        of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. His
        Royal Highness congratulated BNET for winning
        the award for the Best Fiber Deployment Award
        at a global level.

        Plans and programmes
        HRH Prince Salman was briefed on the BNET’s
        plans and programmes and the company’s efforts
        to attract specialized and skilled national cadres
        to enhance  its  telecommunication  services.
        Shaikh  Abdulla  bin  Khalifa  and Shaikh  Ali  bin
        Khalifa expressed their appreciation for His Royal
        Highness’s  interest  in  the  telecommunications
        sector, which supports companies operating in
        this sector. His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin
        Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, and the Minister
        of  Finance  and  National  Economy,  HE  Shaikh
        Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, also attended the

        TDRA, DMA Sign MoU to Control Maritime Device Approvals

        The  UAE  Telecommunications  and  Digital   marine  vessels  exceeding  10.6  meters   PCFC officials in leveraging TDRA's role as
        Government  Regulatory  Authority  (TDRA)   in  length,  in  addition  to all  classes  of   enabler of digital transformation. We affirm
        will  improve  the  regulatory framework  for   commercial marine  vessels  operating   our  unwavering readiness  to collaborate
        maritime business  operations  to enhance   within the territorial waters of the UAE. Eng   with  both  federal  and  local  entities  in  all
        efficiency  in  the  sector.  For  this  it  has   Majed  Sultan  Al Mesmar,  TDRA  Director   projects  and  initiatives  aimed  at  shaping
        signed  a Memorandum of Understanding   General, commented:  “Our collaboration   the  envisioned  digital  future.” Sheikh  Dr
        (MoU) with  the  Dubai  Maritime Authority   with  Dubai  PCFC  aligns  seamlessly  with   Saeed bin Ahmed bin Khalifa Al Maktoum,
        (DMA)  of  Dubai  Ports,  Customs  and  Free   our shared objectives, in harmony with the   Executive  Director of Dubai  Maritime  City
        Zone Corporation  (PCFC).  TDRA  will  lend   "We the UAE 2031" vision and the directives   Authority, affirmed that the MoU signed with
        a streamlined and cohesive procedure for   of our wise  leadership.  These  goals   TDRA to work closely with all government
        acquiring  the  necessary  authorizations   emphasize  the  imperative  of  synergizing   entities  to streamline  service application
        for maritime  vessels  through the  Dubai   efforts  to establish  a cohesive digital   processes  for an  enhanced  customer
        Maritime  Authority.  The  MoU aims  to   ecosystem  that  fosters  a  knowledge-  experience  within  the  Dubai  Government.
        simplify  the  process  of granting  wireless   based society and economy at the national   Registration  and  licensing  He  indicated
        device  authorizations  for  recreational   level.  We  highly  value  the  dedication  of   that  the  registration  and  licensing  of
                                                                                 marine vessels are subject to assessments
                                                                                 to verify  their  compliance with  approved
                                                                                 technical  specifications  and  adherence
                                                                                 to maritime  standards, requirements  and
                                                                                 regulations. These measures are crucial for
                                                                                 ensuring  the  safety  of the  vessels'  users.
                                                                                 This collaboration coincides with a period
                                                                                 of substantial growth in the UAE's maritime
                                                                                 sector,  characterized  by  an  increased
                                                                                 demand  for licenses  and  wireless  device
                                                                                 authorizations.  This  heightened  demand
                                                                                 necessitates  more  efficient  regulatory
                                                                                 procedures  than  ever before.  With  the
                                                                                 implementation  of  this  partnership,
                                                                                 stakeholders  within  the  maritime industry
                                                                                 can anticipate a streamlined, effective, and
                                                                                 hassle-free licensing process.

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