Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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        goal  is  to  facilitate  knowledge  sharing,   presence  and  collaborating  with  MCIT/  an  economic growth engine  for Egypt.
        research  cooperation,  and  best  practice   ITIDA  on  mutually  beneficial  initiatives.”   By  nurturing  highly  skilled  professionals
        exchanges to spur innovation and elevate   The  MoU  was  signed  by  Ahmed  Elzaher   and  fostering  innovation,  Siemens  Digital
        Egypt’s standing in the global marketplace.   and  Hazem  El Tahawy,  Vice  President  for   Industries Software and ITIDA are actively
        Mike  Ellow, Executive  Vice President  of   Siemens Digital Industries Software MENA,   contributing  to Egypt’s  strategic  goals  for
        Siemens  EDA,  affirmed  the  agreement’s   aligning  with  the  national  “Egypt  Makes   economic  diversification  and  sustainable
        significance:  “Today’s  signing  marks  our   Electronics”  initiative.  This  initiative  aims   development.
        commitment to enhancing  our Egyptian   to transform  the electronics industry into

        UAE, Indonesia Tie Up to Boost Digital Infrastructure

        The Ministry of Investment of the UAE and
        the  Ministry  of  State-Owned  Enterprises
        of the  Republic  of Indonesia  have  signed
        a   Memorandum    of   Understanding
        (MoU), to propel  the  digital  economy in
        Indonesia. The agreement aims to set out
        a framework for investment cooperation in
        digital  infrastructure, with  a  special  focus
        on data  center projects  in  Indonesia. The
        total  capacity of data  centers  developed
        under  this  MoU can  reach  up to 1,000
        MW.  The  MoU was  signed  by Mohamed
        Hassan  Alsuwaidi,  Minister  of  Investment
        of the  UAE, and  Erick  Thohir, Minister  of
        State-Owned  Enterprises  of  Indonesia.
        Data centers, which are critical parts of the
        digital  economy’s  infrastructure, provide
        organizations  with  a  secure  option  to
        store  critical  data  and  run  applications
        and have become a priority for Indonesia.
        As  the  fourth  most  populous country  in
        the  world, Indonesia  has  a thriving  digital   to  supporting  and  accelerating  all  exchange for the subsidiary category,” said
        economy driven by a proliferation of start-  developmental efforts in Indonesia, and this   Thohir.  This  collaboration  with  the  UAE,
        ups. Already today, there are more than 60   agreement will contribute to facilitating an   according  to  Thohir, will  accelerate  the
        hyper-scale data centers in the country, and   increase in data centre capacity, with new   development  of  economic infrastructure,
        the local data center market is expected to   facilities promising to unlock opportunities   in line with the sharpening of the strategic
        witness  a  compound annual  growth rate   that  reinforce the  country’s  path  towards   digital  technological focus  that  has  been
        of 14% between 2023 and 2028. Fostering   creating a prosperous future.” Thohir said   implemented.  The  MoU  builds  on strong
        partnerships  between  the  public and   Indonesia  is  a  leader  in  the  field  of  data   bilateral  relations  between  the  UAE and
        private sectors in the UAE and Indonesia is   centers in the Southeast Asia region. One of   Indonesia.  Trade volume between the
        an area of focus under the agreement. The   the programmes carried out is encouraging   two countries  reached  approximately  $5
        two nations  will  explore numerous forms   PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero), or Telkom,   billion in 2022, showcasing an increase of
        of cooperation  under the  MoU, including   one  of  the  state-owned  companies  in   around 20% from the previous year, when
        investment  partnerships,  policy research   Indonesia,  to become  the  data center   it  amounted  to $4  billion.  Following the
        collaboration,  certification  development,   leader  in  Southeast  Asia.  “Telkom  is   UAE-Indonesia  Comprehensive  Economic
        innovation  and  R&D. Alsuwaidi  said:  “The   investing optimally to ensure its data center   Partnership  Agreement  (CEPA)  which
        agreement  underscores  the  deepening   supports  Indonesia's  digital  economy,   came into effect in September 2023, annual
        bond between our nations and is testament   which will be the largest in Southeast Asia.   bilateral  trade  is  expected  to increase  to
        to the  UAE's  commitment to collaborate   Telkom is also focusing on infrastructure,   $10 billion over the course of the next five
        with countries in promising fields such as   one of which is Mitratel, which had an IPO   years.
        the  digital  economy. We  are  committed   and became the largest IPO on the stock

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