Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
P. 53


        Saudi Arabia Enhances Digital Economy with National Data Index

        The digital economy infrastructure in Saudi Arabia is set to receive   improve  the  effectiveness  of data  management  operational
        a  boost  with  the  launch  of open  data  programs,  including  the   processes,  and  develop  compliance  and  investigation-reporting
        introduction of the  National  Data  Index,  also  known as  Nudei,   mechanisms. An upgraded version  of the  Open  Data  Platform
        during the Saudi Data Forum in Riyadh. The event also saw the   was  also  released,  allowing  individuals,  government,  and  non-
        launch of upgraded versions of the Open Data Platform and the   government agencies to publish their open data for entrepreneurs
        Data Governance Platform. This initiative, a first for the Kingdom,   and  other  beneficiaries.  The  platform  has  achieved  over  7,000
        aims  to  promote  transparency,  create  a  national  data-based   open data sets, 190 publishers, and 35 use cases. Additionally, the
        economy, and  contribute  to the  assessment  of data  maturity in   Data Governance Platform aims to register entities covered by the
        government entities, aligning with Vision 2030. Organized by the   Personal  Data  Protection  Law,  providing  support  and  advice  on
        Saudi  Data  and  Artificial  Intelligence  Authority  and  the  National   preserving the privacy of personal data holders and protecting their
        Transformation  Program, the  launch  was  attended  by  global   rights. Government agencies can benefit from the platform through
        and  local experts.  Participants  included  Assistant  Minister  of   a  process  that  involves  filling  out  the  registration  form,  logging
        Interior for Technology Affairs Prince Bandar Bin Abdullah, SDAIA   in  through  the  national  unified  access  platform,  completing  the
        President  Abdullah  Al-Ghamdi,  ministers,  senior  officials,  and   entity’s profile, and submitting data for evaluation. It also provides
        representatives  from local and international  companies.  The   services, including notification about possible data leaks, privacy
        National Data Index, a collaboration between SDAIA and NTP, is   impact assessment, legal support, and a self-assessment tool for
        a dynamic results-based indicator for follow-up and evaluation. It   compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law. SDAIA and NTP
        aims to assess and track the progress of government agencies in   signed a memorandum of understanding in 2022 to launch new
        data management, compliance, and operational indicators across   strategic partnerships and smart business solutions that support
        14  areas.  The  indicator establishes  a  robust  data  governance   the strategic objectives of Vision 2030 assigned to NTP, including
        framework  and  policies  to control  data  management  practices,   SDAIA’s initiatives related to data and artificial intelligence.
        measure data  management  maturity and  ensure compliance,

        Egypt Advances Digital Strategy with Telecom Egypt’s Regional Data Hub


        Amr Talaat, Egypt’s Minister of Communications and Information
        Technology, witnessed the signing of a crucial contract between
        Telecom Egypt (TE)  and Raya Information  Technology.  This
        contract marks the commencement of the second phase of TE’s
        ambitious Regional Data Hub (RDH) project, underscoring Egypt’s
        growing role in the global digital landscape. Set to be operational in
        18 months, the second phase responds to the increasing demand
        for  data  hub  services.  Mohamed  Nasr  of TE  and  Hisham  Abdel
        Rasoul of Raya Information Technology formalized the agreement,
        indicating  a  strong  partnership  between  these  leading  entities.
        The  first  phase  of  the  RDH  project  demonstrated  remarkable
        success, reaching full utilization within a year. This efficiency sets
        a  high  standard  for the  upcoming  phase,  which  aims  to further
        enhance  Egypt’s  digital  infrastructure.  Under the  new  contract,
        Raya Information Technology will deliver advanced technological
        solutions to support digital transformation. The focus will be on   the evolving needs of the digital world. This expansion is a vital
        enhancing  the  RDH’s  scalability  and  adaptability,  aligning  with   step in Egypt’s digital strategy, positioning the country as a major
        global  sustainability  standards, and  mitigating  environmental   global data center. The RDH’s first phase, launched in 2021, already
        impacts.  A  significant  goal  of  this  phase  is  to  help  TE  obtain   serves over 22 international clients, including cloud and content
        Uptime Tier III certificates, showcasing its commitment to service   providers,  and  hosts  EG-IX,  an  open  access  Internet  exchange
        quality  and  flexible  infrastructure.  The  RDH’s  strategic  location   platform. The RDH project by Telecom Egypt, with its expansion
        positions it as a regional hub with potential for future expansions.   and technological advancements, plays a pivotal role in elevating
        Connected to TE’s marine landing stations on the Mediterranean   Egypt’s  status  in the  global  digital  economy.  This  development
        and Red Sea coasts, it offers businesses opportunities for global   not  only enhances  the  country’s  digital  infrastructure  but also
        expansion. The completion of the second phase will increase the   offers  new opportunities  for businesses  and  enriches  the  user
        RDH’s  capacity  to  7.1  megawatts.  Plans  include  two  additional   experience, contributing significantly to Egypt’s vision of becoming
        phases, bringing the total capacity to 16.3 megawatts, catering to   a key player in the digital world.
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