Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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Major cities worldwide, including Riyadh ultra-broadband medium, aligning with the development and adoption of smart
in the region and Beijing, Shanghai and environmentally friendly principles. technologies and solutions. They can also
Hangzhou in China, are actively exploring create favorable conditions for innovation
implementation of 10Gbps City and 10Gbps In the enterprise, industrial applications and collaboration among stakeholders,
Society to drive the digital economy's are often characterized by low latency, such as the private sector, academia, civil
growth momentum. deterministic communications, and society, and citizens. A facilitator role can
accurate positioning, while high security help governments enhance the efficiency,
These cities already have extensive fiber and reliability are prerequisites for most effectiveness, and responsiveness of public
connectivity, facilitating the shift from vertical applications. An excellent example services and foster economic growth and
F5G to F5.5G, driven by the twin engines is the energy sector. As renewable energy social inclusion.
of new network technology developments accounts for an increasing percentage
and growing application demand. These of all power generated, different services Governments can also act as leaders by
communities will be able to derive the must be strictly isolated while scheduling setting the vision, goals, and strategies
true value of optical fiber to deliver frequency using a supervisory control and for intelligent city development and
unprecedented home and enterprise digital data acquisition (SCADA) system must be transformation. They can also initiate
experiences including the integration of 10 times higher to ensure stable power and coordinate large-scale projects and
optical fiber sensing. supply. This, in turn, requires a network programs that address the most pressing
availability of 99.9999%, meaning an annual urban challenges and opportunities,
A key driver for these applications is video. outage time shorter than 30 seconds. such as climate change, mobility, health,
We have been pursuing a better video Traditional networks cannot deliver these education, and security. A leadership role
experience, steadily moving from standard capabilities. can help governments demonstrate their
and high definition to 4K and 8K, as well commitment and accountability to the
as real-time, interactive, and immersive Huawei's commitment to advancing ultra- public interest and inspire and mobilize
experiences delivered by XR and glasses- broadband technology is evident in the other actors to join the 10Gbps city
free 3D video. Metaverse and AR/VR technical upgrades announced at UBBF movement.
applications are set to change consumer 2023. These upgrades, aimed at achieving
habits and raise higher requirements for F5.5G innovation, include advancements Collaborating with global carriers and
communications networks. Excellent in optical network solutions, premium industry partners is vital to promote the
broadband quality and low-latency broadband deployment , fiber-to-the- industry's development. The focus on
connectivity are required to deliver superior room (FTTR), 10G PON & 50G PON port F5.5G-oriented technological innovations
experiences. For example, light-field, deployment, all-optical switching modules, demonstrates Huawei's commitment to
glasses-free 3D display requires about and 400G/800G non-blocking ultra- improving network capabilities, efficiency,
1 Gbit/s of bandwidth and a network broadband. Leveraging new materials and overall industry transformation eying
latency of less than 5 ms for immersive and structures, the power consumption better life for people, higher productivity for
interactions. Optical reconstruction-based per Gbit will be reduced by up to 65%. The organization and prosperous economy for
glasses-free 3D display has even higher continuous innovation and deployment countries.
requirements, requiring about 10 Gbit/s of of these technologies contribute to the
bandwidth and a latency between 1 and industry's evolution towards F5.5G, with the In conclusion, the evolution of the ultra-
5 ms. Home networks with 1 to 10 Gbit/s vision of achieving "10Gbps Everywhere." broadband industry, exemplified by
bandwidth and 1 to 5 ms latency are basic initiatives like the 10Gbps City, is a
requirements for satisfying glasses-free 3D transformative force in the Gulf region and
experiences. Governments: from regulators to beyond. As governments, industry players,
facilitators and technology leaders collaborate to
Furthermore, apart from speed, ultra- While governments have an essential overcome challenges and implement ultra-
broadband initiatives should prioritize regulatory role in creating a level playing broadband infrastructure, the digital
transmission efficiency. A seamless field and setting best practices, the 10Gbps economy in the Gulf Cooperation Council
transition from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps, for city calls for new levels of engagement and (GCC) countries is set to thrive. The 10Gbps
example, should not incur a cost increase collaboration, requiring that governments City Initiative, focusing on ubiquitous
in the same proportion. Therefore, transform from a purely supervisory role to connectivity and digital transformation, is a
innovations must focus on achieving also being facilitators. Authorities should testament to the commitment to shaping a
higher bit efficiency at these high speeds seek to provide the necessary digital future where digital productivity knows no
to limit operational expenses. This infrastructure, future-looking policies, bounds.
approach will also contribute to a greener regulations, and incentives to support
68 DECEMBER 2023