Page 72 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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        Ofcom Orders Clearer Broadband Tariffs, Proposes Ban on Inflation-Linked

        Mid-Contract Price Hikes; Social Tariff Take-Up Doubles

        UK  telecoms  regulator Ofcom has  issued   will apply from 16 September 2024. Ofcom   when any changes to prices will occur.’ A
        new guidance to fixed broadband providers   has  also  proposed  a  ban  on  ‘inflation-  consultation period on this proposal ends
        to  ensure  consumers are  given  clear   linked’ mid-contract price rises for mobile/  13  February  2024,  with  a  final  decision
        information when signing up to a service.   fixed  phone,  fixed  broadband  and  pay-  scheduled  for  ‘spring  2024’,  and  Ofcom
        Operators  must  now tell  consumers   TV  services.  The  regulator provisionally   expects  the  ruling  to take  effect  four
        about the  network that  underpins  their   concluded  that  these  price  hikes  ‘can   months  after  the  decision’s  publication.
        service  using  only  terms  that  are  clear   cause  substantial  amounts  of  consumer   Separately,  Ofcom  reported  that  take-
        and  unambiguous,  specifically  confirming   harm by complicating the  process  of   up of social tariffs – cheaper packages
        whether the network they use is a ‘full-fiber’   shopping  for a  deal,  limiting  consumer   for  people  claiming  Universal  Credit,
        network, i.e. fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) –   engagement,  and  making  competition   Pension  Credit  and  certain  other  benefits
        with fiber all the way to a customer’s home   less  effective  as  a  result,’  adding:  ‘These   – for fixed broadband and/or mobile/fixed
        or  business  premises  –  or  a  ‘part-fiber’,   terms  also  require  customers to  unfairly   phone  services  increased  to 380,000  in
        copper  (xDSL),  or  cable access network.   assume  the  risk  and  burden  of  financial   September  2023,  up  from  147,000  a  year
        Ofcom notes that some providers currently   uncertainty  from  inflation,  with  tangible   earlier.  However,  the  watchdog  added
        use the term ‘fiber’ ambiguously, referring   impacts on their ability to manage costs at   that awareness among eligible customers
        variously  to  fiber-to-the-cabinet  (FTTC),   a time when household budgets are already   ‘remains a challenge’: its research showed
        FTTP or cable (HFC) technologies. Ofcom   stretched to the limit.’ Ofcom proposes to   55% of eligible households remain unaware
        added  that  its research  showed  only  46%   require any price written into a customer’s   of  social  tariffs,  and  while  take-up  is
        of customers who reported being on ‘full-  contract ‘to be set out in pounds and pence,   improving, it remains low as a proportion of
        fiber’ broadband were living in areas where   prominently  and  transparently, at  the   qualifying homes, at 8.3%.
        it  is  actually  available. The  new  guidance   point  of  sale’  including  ‘being  clear  about

        Kenyan MPs State Termination Rates Should Be Cut Further

        Kenyan  MPs   have  called  on  the  the FTR and MTR will drop from the current   the  protection  of  consumers.  However,
        Communications Authority (CA) to reduce   level of KES0.58 (USD0.0038) per minute to   members of the  National  Assembly’s
        fixed  and  mobile  termination  rates  (FTRs   KES0.41 on 1 March 2024 for a period of   Communication,  Information  and
        and  MTRs)  further, claiming that  the   two years. In a press release, the CA said   Innovation  Committee  have questioned
        recently announced cut in costs did not go   the new rate was informed by the prevailing   why CA failed to cut the rates to KES0.06 as
        far enough,  reports  Business  Daily. Last   economic  environment,  ICT  market  recommended by a study it commissioned.
        month  the  telecoms  regulator published   dynamics and the need to strike a balance
        Determination No. 4 of 2023, under which   between the promotion of investment and

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